Just an update to you all....
sadly I tested positive on official test date and it was chemical pregnancy positive....
The week before test date (5 days before) I had such bad pains and bloated so much I couldn't walk, clinic were very unhelpful so went to doctors. They had no knowledge of Ivf treatment so sadly couldn't help me either.
Two days after test date (last Saturday) I tested again only to get a faint line - but still a clear positive
Went to doctors Monday he was amazing and did a blood test & asked me to go back Wednesday for another blood test to check the hcg levels were increasing as I had a gut feeling something wasn't right.... Thursday 4pm I had a telephone doctors appointment with results.
Thursday morning I started my period very heavy & very painful. Lots of period pains too. I knew it was all over. Doctor phoned at 4 to confirm this was a chemical pregnancy / miscarriage.
Heartbroken, empty & distraught.
Cried for two days.... Had a lovely bottle of wine & a long soak in the bath lots of family walks to clear our heads!!!
But..... 2 days on & On the positive side I have a happy healthy 3 year old, my husband & I are so close it's bought us even closer. My body detected a problem & I'm very proud it's done what it's done from start to finish, my body has show me I can get pregnant so next time will be my time. I won't give up on this dream......
If at first you don't succeed.... Try try AGAIN!!!! - this is me!!!! 😊