Hi Everyone
So third cycle could be cancelled due to thin lining again. I had a natural cycle last time with added vagifem days 9-11 and my lining got to 6.9 mm. This time I have been on a medicated cycle . 75iu menopur, letrozole for 5 days and baby aspirin, vitamin E all the beetroot juice, raspberry tea etc.
And on day 10 my lining is only 6mm it needs to be 7 I have a short cycle so I could ovulate and my follicles are 18mm. Clinic has given me fyremadel and asked me to come back in day 12 . I have been given vagifem for the last 2 days as it was only 4mm two days ago . I have had saline scan and nothing is wrong with my uterus and I had the dye test with xray and ultra sound to check for scarring at the beginning of my journey. My fresh cycle was 8.5mm Lining so I have no idea why my body is worse off medicated then unmedicated and the clinic cannot tell me it is not getting thick.
I am convinced I will ovulate and this will be another cycle but why am i worse off medicated? I only have one frozen embryo and I am scared that all this intervention I am just setting myself up to fail.
Anyone else had any success and have been in the same situation?