Has anyone had any success with thin lining and FET (medicated) cycle? Just had my day 12 scan and devastated that my lining is thinner than ever! The consultant will call me later to discuss but ultimately it’s up to us if we want to go ahead with transfer. Lining was around 5cm today and we have 5 frozen embryos. Thanks for any advice x
FET thin lining success?? : Has anyone... - Fertility Network UK
FET thin lining success??

hey there, well I was exactly the same. I have had four cancelations due to thin lining. the doctors had a discussion about my next protocol and they decided anything over 5 is when I should get a transfer because everyone's body is different eh! it would be fine until day 13 then just drop the next day for no reason. This time I done a HMG cycle. 150ml menopur a day with Viagra pessaries 4x a day. then my lining got to 6.2 and I took my HMG shot 7 days before my transfer. I had my transfer yesterday so now on my TWW. So its entirely up to you there has been many successful story's on here with people who have thin linings some under 5mm. x
Thank you for replying! I feel like I’m going to be in the same situation as you, my lining is literally the only issue sadly... what does HMG stand for out of interest? My clinic don’t use viagra; I’ve asked about this before. They have suggested maybe I could try a non medicated frozen transfer or a long protocol instead of a short. Wishing you lots of luck in your TWW xx
What protocol have you tried this time? I too suffer from crap linings but usually get slightly better around 6.5mm but managed to get to 9.3mm at best. I've hear of the odd success here and there but perhaps not with a lining of 5mm unfortunately. Another girl was asking this too....maybe have a read of this post....
Thank you, I’ll take a look... it’s been a short protocol this time, with oestrogen patches and up to 8mg oestrogen tablets a day x
So no downregulation first, just starting estrogen support on day 3ish? There are a few supplements you can try like high dose vitamin E (800 superdrug) and L'arginine from holland & barrett. Have you tried aspirin to help with blood flow, hot baths, hot water bottles on tummy etc. These are all supposed to help.xx
Yep, no down reg, started on oestrogen from day 1 and fyrmadel to stop my body’s natural cycle. I’ve been taking the other things you mentioned but will keep going! Did you try anything different specifically to get to 8mm?! That’s the magic number isn’t it! Xx
My clinic are a wee bit fussy...they like to see at least 9mm but are generally ok if I can get over 7mm before starting progesterone but I usually have to up my dose of progynova to get my body to comply along with all the other things I mentioned and my clinic kept me on etrogen for around 3 weeks which is the max time. They also like to see the trilaminar appearance too. Really hope you get there!xx
I’ve been with 2 clinic and it’s has needed to be 9mm or more. I had a scan on Monday and it was 5.2, due to go back at Monday agin. finger crossed
It’s so stressful isn’t it? It feels like something so simple but it’s so crucial! They want me back Monday as well for another scan 🤞🏻
Totally stressful! And we are having treatment aboard, so timing is everything. But one this journey has taught me is that a lot of this is out of our control. I’m just doing my walking and exercise and keeping myself healthy. It’s all I can do! Let me know how you get on on Monday x
Wow, trying to time this abroad must be crazy! I often wonder how people deal with the unpredictability of this when they’re abroad, it’s bad enough doing it nearby... that’s the thing about it, having no control, it’s so hard to just accept. Thanks, good luck yourself on Monday! Xx
Hey AbbeyT
I'm in the thin endometrium gang too. We will probably have the same decision to make on Friday as my scan on day 13 my lining was only 5.4. I can't make up my mind chances of pregnancy with thin lining are pretty low, but they do happen. So the glimmer of hope makes me want to try but I don't want to waste any embryo while there are other options to try and get me thicker.
It's so difficult but I guess there is no right or wrong just what is best for you.
Fingers crossed for you. Xx
Hey, I saw your post via Cinderella5 above, and in a way it’s reassuring to know other people are experiencing really similar frustrations with their lining! Do you have many embryos to consider? They’ve called suggesting I carry on until a scan on Monday in case things have improved... so you have any idea what measurement you would be happy with to transfer? It’s so difficult!! Good luck to you xx
I've got 7 embryos frozen but mixed quality. They say good enough to freeze good enough to work but with all the other issues I've had i am thinking only the highest quality are likely to work.
7mm is my clinic guidelines obviously I want higher than that but realistically I think 6 would be good. 6 was my clinic old guidance they've only changed in the last few years apparently. during my fresh cycle my 1st folical scan I got 6.5 but it dropped back to 5 by transfer day. So I know I can get there, just a matter of keeping it there.
I've been reading today that beetroot is good for lining so bought some beetroot juice today. It's horrible but worth a shot. I'm currently sitting with a hot water bottle on my tummy (and a cat on top of that). The things we do! ☺
We have 5 but have never been told the quality specifically, just that they’re ‘really good’ whatever that means! My clinic will go ahead if it’s over 6mm and I have been similar to you, I got to 6.2 just before egg collection but then it dropped to around 5 on the day, so we had the freeze all!
I really enjoy beetroot, I wonder if actual beetroot has the same effect as the juice- that doesn’t sound as pleasant! I’ve been trying to stay on the ‘sane’ Side of trying things out, I don’t want to fall into the trap of listening to every single suggestion and stressing myself out with that too! X
Our clinic gave us a grading system for the embryos, but you can't argue with 'really good quality' 😊.
I am sure regular beetroot would be the same.
I was trying to stay sane, but i've totally lost it now. If someone told me shaving my head and howling at the moon would give me an extra 1mm I'd be bald and in the garden every night. 😀
Haha! That made me laugh a lot! Xx