Hi everyone,
I'm a bit surprised and slightly shocked I think this morning after my doctor called me back with my latest test results.
For context, I'm 36 and last year we did an IVF cycle on the NHS and my counts were AMH 14.4 , FSH 4.9 in the follicular phase and I generally had about 11 follicles at every scan. This resulted in only 7 follicles on collection day after 225 of Menopur, with only 4 mature and 2 x day 5 blastocysts. One resulted in a chemical, one didn't work.
Now as we're embarking on a private IVF treatment, we repeated the tests and my AMH came back at 8.5 (this dropped quite a bit in only 9 months! almost halved) and slightly increased FSH at 10.5 (the doctor said they would like to see it at 10 max), and yesterday they could only see 7 follicles on the scan, which is consistent with the latest AMH reading as the doctor said. This is somewhat concerning to me as I can imagine that it will lead to even fewer embryos if the treatment performs the same.
So at the end of the call, the doctor encouraged us to not delay this any longer and get on with the treatment as my results are deteriorating fast. And they recommended we try a higher dose this time round of Menopur + Gonal F.
Does anyone have any similar experiences to share? I'm still trying to work out what to think about all this. Obviously we'll get on with it and we can still work with these results, but the worry is that things are deteriorating fast and it adds another element of pressure and stress onto things yikes
Thank you!