So here goes Cycle round 2, first round 3 eggs 2 fertilised 1 blast made it and was frozen -it was through delayed icsi - so no Fresh transfer; the cycle was cancelled. I have Low amh 5.4 + stage 3 endo.
The aim is to have a Fresh transfer this time.I was put on Clomid for 5 days+ 150iu menopur. Introduced fyremadel on day 6. Not sure whether this is classed as mini ivf.
My follicles developed much better this time with the lower dose of menopur ( was on 450iu first time around) I had 6 follicles all of a similar size,19-21mm. They managed to retrieve 4 eggs of which 3 have fertilised the other 2 follicles didn't have an egg in them. I'm quite happy about with the results so far as I know I will not make more than 7 follicles in a cycle.
Now just waiting for Thursday to see if they develop to day 5.
Has anyone else been on a protocol like this?