Got period before egg collection! - Fertility Network UK

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Got period before egg collection!

HopelessNaina profile image
10 Replies

Hi ladies,I was on menopur 600iU dose & synarel nasal spray. My AMH is low already. The ultrasound only showed like 1-2 follicles & they were growing very slow as well. Still the clinic wanted to go with egg collection. I was due for last scan tomorrow to make sure those 2 follicles reached appropriate size but unfortunately I got my period today :(

And it's about 2 weeks early from previous period too. I don't even know if my IVF will ever be successful. The clinic says I was on fairly high dose of menopur. It looks like the synarel nasal spray didn't work. Anyone else had similar situation ever?

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HopelessNaina profile image
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10 Replies
Glaedy profile image

Hi, it could be side effects to some of the meds and not particular your period, call your clinic and ask for advice what should you do in this situation, maybe they will see you sooner to assess?

HopelessNaina profile image
HopelessNaina in reply to Glaedy

Hey Glaedy!Thank you for your reply & hope.. I called my clinic and they said the bloods they did yesterday, showed that I didn't even ovulate. This bleeding could be because my uterine line is weak. They wanna scan me again tomorrow to check the follicles (i only have hope from 2 follicles unfortunately). They still want me to continue the cycle. In case, it reaches upto fertilization, they wanna freeze the embryo & avoid fresh transfer until the uterine line is strong. I'm still so confused. How can that be possible when they put you on ovulation suppressants? :(

I'll still go tomorrow & just follow them.

LauraExplorer profile image

Hi, I got my period before my first egg collection and I was really upset so I called the clinic, and they said it was fine. I went on to have 16 mature eggs retrieved and 15 embryos 😊

HopelessNaina profile image
HopelessNaina in reply to LauraExplorer

Hi LauraExplorer,Glad to hear that you got 15 embryos at last 😊

I only have about 1-2 follicles which were also growing very slow even though I'm on 600iU of menopur. My AMH is very low as well. I tried to find so many articles online to see if its normal to have period before egg collection. Didn't find a thing there. You're the first one that I read it from that you had your period before egg retrieval. I gave me some hope again. Thanks for this 😊🙃 but I'm still sooooo anxious.

I'm a nurse myself, went to work this morning but I came back home as soon as I saw my periods start. Felt bad for my patients & ward, at the same time I was not in my proper mindset to take care of them


LauraExplorer profile image

I couldn't find anything online either and was really stressed as it happened on a Friday and I couldn't contact my clinic until Monday, when I was booked for a scan anyway. I called the nurses before my appointment and they said it was fine and when I went for the scan, the dr said that won't have affected anything and dismissed it. My egg pickup was on Wednesday the same week. They did see more follicles than yours but also retrieved more eggs than follicles seen, as they said some were behind others in the scans, so fingers crossed yours are hiding too 🙂

HopelessNaina profile image
HopelessNaina in reply to LauraExplorer

Really nice to hear your side of the story sis! Hope for the best. Did you have full flow normal period or just a day of bleeding? And did they also freeze your embryos or did any fresh transfer as well? But I read about anovulation as well which means having period without ovulation but that happens mostly during perimenopause. I'm already 35 but AMH is extremely low as per my age. So I'm extremely nervous too. Feel a little better after hearing your story :)

LauraExplorer profile image
LauraExplorer in reply to HopelessNaina

I had a light 2 day bleed, which is normal for me. I'm doing all frozen, so they can be PGT-A tested, so the start of the EPU cycle wasn't timed with my cycle. I'm 44, have high AMH for my age, but it's low in general, due to my age! I had 8 blastocysts for testing and freezing.

Good luck, it's a rollercoaster!

HopelessNaina profile image
HopelessNaina in reply to LauraExplorer

Thank you so much for sharing & the hope. Yes, definitely its a rollercoaster. I've had 3 failed ivf cycles in the past, so hope this is the one. Fingers crossed!! 🤞🤞

LauraExplorer profile image
LauraExplorer in reply to HopelessNaina

I'm on my third cycle now, both my previous EPUs were successful and I've had a successful FET but my pregnancies have never reached full term. It's a heartbreaking process. Fingers crossed for us both! 🤞🤞

HopelessNaina profile image
HopelessNaina in reply to LauraExplorer

True sister! All the very best with everything. Prayers!! 😊

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