Approved for fertilty feb 2023 - told we would wait till march 2024
Randomly in august we were contacted to start.
Egg collection 6 Sept - 3 eggs - no blasts/ (cycle was a disatter and delayed starting till day 4 of my bleed due to them realising i needed a colposcopy result which was rushed through)
19th Sept - Call with Dr did not explain the reason why. Dr said our case would be reassesed to go back on waiting list.
22 Sept - Email from clinic saying they have booked a Nurses pre-trement appointment so that we can start a treatment cycle in October.
28 Sept - Attended clinic - did a treatment plan with Nurse - checked it with Drs. blood tests. Day 11 of cycle.
10 Oct - Attended clinic for baseline scan. Dr reported FSH 26 (not accurate as done day 11)and AMH 1.8 and 8 folicles. She ran through the minimum NHS requirements for treatment and said we did not meet. I got upset and me and my husband explained we had already been approved for a cycle???!? I was due to go in for a scan the first day of my period which would be 12 October - The nurse spoke to us and reassured us and said to email her to as we may be able to skip pretretemt and go straight into injections.She stressed how little time I had left.
11 Oct - Sent email reminding but also stupidly said that my blood tests were from day 11. That day the nurse called to say I wouldnt need to rescan but I would need to repeat bloods. I felt releaved would this help tailor my new meds better?! Would that even matter???
12 Oct - Dr calls me personally. Says I will need to meet the criteria before new cycle going ahead. What a head f-ck. !!!! Im so confused and upset. I have already been approved??!
My levels have surely gone down since my inital reading in Feb nearly a year ago.....I know I dont meet the AMH.... im wondering did they approve me because I met two before? Its so horrible feeling like this and trying to de-stress when I was already trying to psyc myself up for actually having it.....feeling stressed and upset and messed around. I dont know about my FSH reading on day 1-4.....I meet the folicle count of 6 ...mAX is 8.9 to qualify and amh is min 5.2.
I want to complain about the mess of the first cycle to be honest. Shall I push with the fact id already been approved??? One dr in particular seems intent on finding reasons to deny me treatment as there have been problems arising in my medical history I have had to absolve more than a few times.