Hi All. Just 2dp5dt from my second cycle. I only had one viable embryo at the end of the first cycle and was really disappointed that it was the same story this time. I collected 15 eggs, 9 fertilised but day 3 only 3 embryos and by day 5 only one was suitable for transfer and the others were graded 3cd so not suitable for freezing. In both cycles I have had a short antagonist protocol (12 days of gonal f with 7 of cetrotide). I have high AMH for my age (I am 36 and AMH is 29), my fsh is 6.1 and basically everything is normal, there are no foreseeable issues that have been uncovered by testing. Dr isn’t worried about my AMH. So the problem seems to be egg quality and I have taken all the supplements (not DHEA because it is only recommended for women with low AMH). Supplements have made no diff. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol and my diet is fairly healthy (not perfect but not bad).
We are a gay female couple so not entitled to any free NHS treatment which means we’re like £20K down already and money is fast becoming an issue.
Here is my question. Has anyone with a similar issue had success with a particular protocol? I do feel positive about the embryo that has been transferred but am realistic that I may require future intervention and am keen to hear if anyone found a treatment cycle that worked well for them in similar circumstances.