Hello everyone, It’s a long write up so pardon me.
Its finally happening for me soon, I am so excited my twin sister will be starting in December(privately funded) and myself in January(NHS). I got a call yesterday from the nurse at the clinic saying I was going to be on short protocol, the reason I am been put on short protocol I don’t know? I have regular periods, AMH and FSH is ok. My treatment can’t be started on my next cycle which is in December as I need to update my blood test on day 1-3!!! Praying my FSH is still ok as my last test was last year December.
I have read here that most people on short protocol have irregular cycle or low AMH, should I be worried about this?
Also on short protocol how many scans are required ? Is it possible to have scans early in the morning and still go to work ? I have some 12 hour shifts that starts at 12pm. I wish I could get scanned at the hospital where I work after all it’s all NHS.
I am worried because my Rota for the month of January is out. I really don’t know how I can cope joggling with work on scan days, i live 45 minutes away from the clinic and from the clinic to my work place is about 45minutes too.
I don’t want to tell my managers or the ward matron about my treatment for now.
Anyone working in the NHS on treatment kindly help with a response please .
Thank you