Ladies on/taken cyclogest progesterone pessary.
I’m currently on 400mg Twice a day in my luteal phase, I’m around 11dpo and going to test on the day my period is due for pregnancy. I had a scan yesterday and my corpus luteum is still active and progesterone level was 38nmol/l. Beta HCG blood test negative yesterday, but was told it could be too early if I’ve only just implanted or happening right now. Womb lining thick enough to support a pregnancy.
If I’m not pregnant:
1 . Will my corpus luteum break down naturally whilst still being on the cyclogest?
2. Will my period come whilst being on cyclogest if it’s ready to come? Or would it only come if i stop it. I don’t want to stop it too early and wondered if I would start to bleed anyway despite being on the cyclogest.
Thank you