Hi fellow warriors, hope you're all doing ok ❤️
I am after some advice / reassurance I have just started the treatment for my second FET. 1st one back in June didn't stick unfortunately. I'm on the long protocol so have been on buserelin for 10 days so far to down regulate (side effects seem to have been much worse this time, night sweats, brain fog, low moods 😔). I have now started my oestrogen which I was hoping would make me feel a bit better. I am on 2 tablets in the morning and 2 in the evening 8mg in total in tablets a day + patches 100 each that I change every 3 days (I didn't have the patches last time). I feel absolutely awful. I feel like I've been hit by a bus, terrible headaches, nausea, basically feels like a terrible hangover with none of the fun 😂.
I think it's probably a surge in hormones which is making me feel like this. I guess I am looking for any reassurance or advice that anyone might have or if anyone felt similar. Thank you in advance! x