Hi lovely people, sorry me again!! Just wondering if anyone has any advice or can help. I have been downregulated now for about 12 days and I am due to go back this Friday for a scan to see if I am ready to take my tablets (to make lining thick) but I was told last Friday I had a cyst which was leaking blood and they wanted to wait a week to see if it had calmed down. Now my issue is I thought a medicated FET would be straight forward!! But I didn't realise all these little issues can still arise. I have some leave to use up before April and so does my husband. We both were saving our holidays for this ivf. Does anyone know how long a medicated fet takes? Also is there anything I can do to make my lining thick after I start taking my tablets. I just don't want there being any delays. We have a family wedding the second week of April and don't want it to interfere with that! Thanks in advance xxxx
FET: Hi lovely people, sorry me again... - Fertility Network UK

I was a bit of an odd scenario because I never had periods so, they basically gave me pills to make me bleed like a fake period. A month from the first bleeding day we started the FET medication and I think it was about 2-3 weeks from then to transfer. Hope that helps and good luck! Xxx
Hey hun, thanks for your reply. This whole thing is such a palava lol. I wish I could just be normal and have a natural FET! So I just finished my period, I am hoping my lining is nice and thin on Friday for me to start the tablets. Hoping I ain't too far off! How are you doing x
I'm on day 20 of down regging due to delayed period. This is my second FET. Usually you have 2 weeks of down reg, 2 weeks taking progynova and transfer is a few days after so usually about 5 weeks. I'm having acupuncture to help with my lining but I've read that keeping warm, eating warm foods helps with blood flow to the lining.
Hope this helps
Hey hun with my first cycle I am sure I down regulated for a whole month! But my second cycle I down regulated for 2 weeks. It's hard getting my head into ivf mode again as we had our last cycle last year may! Feel I have forgetten the process already lol. Fingers crossed this cycle will be our special cycle for the both of us!! Thanks for the advice xx
Last time I'm sure it was shorter. This seems to be taking forever! I have my scan tomorrow so I'm hoping I'll be ready for the next stage. My clinic puts everyone on lining thickening drugs for 2 weeks. I'm hoping my embryo thaws ok. Good luck to you too! We should be testing a similar time!
Yahh I have a cycle buddy lol. Hope all goes well for your scan tomorrow. Every appointment I get so nervous, my stomach was in knots on Friday, and again I am sure I will be the same this Friday. Even though I have been at my hospital so many times for the last 3 years I still get so nervous!! I am excited for this cycle but at the same time I get scared it won't work again. X
Yay! I've only just joined this. I wish I was a member when I was going through my first round. It is so nerve wrecking. I'm trying to be relaxed about it all but it seems to be all I can think about. I only have one embryo too so that is making me anxious. It is so scary but this could be the one. Positive thinking xx

Hi NDE1987. Once you have your next scan, if all is well you will start your drug to build up the endometrium 7-10 days. Once it is of the appropriate thickness they can start the embryo thawing process and book your transfer. Hope that helps and your "bleed" settled. Fingers crossed all goes well. Diane
Thanks Diana, appreciate your help. I had forgetten how long all this process would take! Could you recommend anthing to make my lining thicker for the next stage x