Yesterday I had my 2nd FET cycle cancelled as my lining isn't thick enough. In November they added patches and upped my estrogen before cancelling eventually. This cycle I started on 12mg of tablets a day plus patches, all looked great on Day 10 with a "beautiful" triple layer lining but yesterday on Day 15 it had got thinner so the cycle was cancelled. Gutted. My Consultant has suggested Tamoxifen for my next cycle which apparently is good in situations like this. I just wondered if anyone has taken it and had success?
FET lining issues : Yesterday I had my... - Fertility Network UK
FET lining issues

Hi Libsie, I haven’t taken Tamoxifen but I’m interested to see what people respond. I was on the exact same meds and dose as you for an FET and my lining only got to 5.8mm so it was also cancelled. I now have to wait for a hysteroscopy before I can have any other treatment, but I have an appointment scheduled to discuss potential changes to my meds/procedure for my next attempt x
Hi libsie3103
So sorry to hear that
But I think according to me more than tablet estrogen for thin lining ,estrogen gel three times a day works better and plus slow walking for one hour or two...this helped me since my clinic cancelled my fet due to 7.9 mm lining on 10 the for my next cycle my Doctor asked me to switch to estrogen gel three times and slow walking....
Hey Libsie, I've had lots of issues in the past with my lining so I completely sympathise! I've heard of a few women having used Tamoxifen and it work but other it doesnt. I haven't tried it myself. Weve managed to work out a protocol for me that works. Also if recently had 2 of my best linings but this was having been on meds back to back which I do think makes a difference for me. Tablets only seem to do so much for me but doubling up patches has helped. I also usually take vit E and have been drinking raspberry leaf tea. Hopefully trying something different can help you!xx
Thanks so much for this - fingers crossed I’m in the group it works for!! I’m going again on my withdrawal bleed so hopefully that may helps as well. I had patches from day 1 and higher than normal due to availability of them! I’m also on Vit E, having acupuncture, drinking raspberry leaf tea and doing caster oil packs... Really hoping something different will help!! xx
I usually start on 8mg of progynova and 1 x 100 patch every 48hrs. My lining usually gets stuck around 7mm or just under and on day 9 of meds I usually step up my patches to 2x100 every 48hrs. I also dont down regulate as I feel it switches my body off too much. Going from a medicated failed cycle straight to a biopsy for ERA gave me a good lining so we kept on with meds, withdrew and started again. Mu lining was really good and the nurses who do my scans in the UK said they had never seen my lining look so good which is a rare compliment for me!🤣🙌🏻 I do think being on he meds is harsh on the body BUT it may just be enough to help you along on your next cycle!! Best of luck.xx
I was on 12mg of estrogen (4mg 3 times a day) 120 patch every 4th day... All from day 1. On Day 10 it was “beautiful” triple layer and 6.7mm. Yesterday it was 5.6mm and no mention of it being beautiful. I’ve seen some of your posts / comments and interestingly it was a different nurse yesterday (who I didn’t like and couldn’t really explain anything...) Glad things are going well for you xx
Ultrasound can be very person specific so a few mm can be out but that is quite a downsize. My clinic has always stepped my meds up around day 9 so I dont know if that helps maintain my lining. However we have worked out that heaps of oral tablets havent done me much favours in the past and I've had one occasion where it shrunk & that one I was on a lot orally....16mg. I really hope they get to the bottom of things for you.
Thanks for the well wishes...things are going ok so far this cycle. Can only hope we have some luck this time!!xxx

Hi Libsie. So sorry to hear this. I do find that often ladies respond better if they get straight into the next cycle, so as to get your body used to the manipulation. Hopefully the Tamoxifen will do the trick next time. Good luck! Diane