It was my fist IVF Cycle, I took a small doses of gonal and in the ponction we got 8 folicules, 5 fertilized and 3 made it to day 3 , all the 3 were 8AA , we did freeze two and did one fresh transfer, unfortunately 14 days later the blood test showed no pregnancy, so I stopped the progesterone but I did get my period, just spotting but really small spotting for 10 days, now I'm 30 days late , I went to the doctor , he sais my ovaries are calm and I have one cyst in my left ovary , he told me to wait for two weeks if the period didn't come I will take treatment .
I'm so worried, my period was never late I get my period evey 26 days. Last year I was diagnosed with pcos because my AMH level were at 6.9 , this year before ivf I did the test again and to my surprise it dropped to 2.9, during this year I did a ponction if a chocolate cyst and 2 iui , I don't know if all of this is normal or not , anyone got late period after ivf ?