Anyone else had strange periods after... - Fertility Network UK

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Anyone else had strange periods after failed IVF?

Skittles11 profile image
8 Replies

Hi there.

I've undergone 3 cycles of IVF so far, the first one in September last year and the most recent one in March this year. Unfortunately we are still waiting for our BFP.

Anyway, after our most recent cycle my subsequent two periods have been quite odd. I wanted to see if anyone has had a similar experience.

Basically after the failed cycle and withdrawal bleed, I had some mid cycle spotting, which continued all the way up until to my period! Some days the spotting was more than others. I asked my clinic about this as I'd never had it mid cycle before although I do always get spotting in the days before a period. My clinic said they believed it was most likely hormonal after all the drugs from the IVF. The period itself seemed fairly normal, lasting about 4 days.

Fast forward to next period. Its been starting and stopping since Friday but incredibly light flow. My periods tend to be light anyway but this time it's like I don't even need a pad or anything! We were hoping to start our frozen cycle and drugs on Day 1 of this bleed but I cannot identify my Day 1 so we won't be starting the drugs this time round! 😢

Has anyone experienced similar?

Thank you all x

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Skittles11 profile image
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8 Replies

I dont know if its normal but my periods always went screwy after IVF rounds, and my cycles have completely changed from what they were like before (I have had MCs though too).. I spot for between 2 and 6 days pre bleed which drives me NUTS but no one seems vaguely interested in it. Every month my period is different, sometimes crazy heavy sometimes super short and light, I never really know whats going to happen. Ive had 6 fresh rounds on max dose drugs so I can only assume its that.

I spoke to my consultant about it and he just sort of said 'oh' and dismissed it so I am guessing its nothing to worry about - really hope yours settle down soon xx

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply to

Yes!! - this has been exactly what I have experienced. Consultants always dismiss the spotting which I get before my periods but I still feel very agitated about it. I didn't get many side effects whilst I was actually taking meds on the IVF cycles so I think the naive part of me thought I would be unaffected in the subsequent cycles. Did your cycles settle after the cycles directly following IVF? Thank you so much for replying BTW xx

Ac22 profile image

Hi Skittles,

I am experiencing almost exactly the same thing. I had a withdrawal bleeding and waited about 39 days until I started bleeding again. It lasted about 1 day! Then, about 12 days later. I started spotting. I thought it was the same sort of short bleed but this time it went on for about 6 days. Like you I didn't think it was my period because it was extremely light but since it lasted about 6 days I guess it was.

And now I have to wait another month for FET. I wish there would be a blog post (e.g. the duff) who could research what is normal after a failed FET. I've been searching but so far I haven't found one.

It is very frustrating and I feel like clinics give so much support leading up to an FET and then they just sort of leave you hanging. There seems to little after care.

Hang in there, I hope it goes back back to normal soon!

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply to Ac22

Thank you for replying to me. I've never actually had an FET before, only fresh transfers, and thought I was about to start my bleed this weekend but then it never quite got going. Its really interesting to learn you are going through a similar thing. Have you had previous IVF cycles and were they similar in terms of affecting your subsequent cycles? I've been a bit worried about it. I actually had an endo scratch in preparation as well and now feel frustrated about that too as we thought we'd be transferring this cycle...we haven't been able to speak to our clinic yet because its the weekend so just had to make the executive decision to not start the meds as there was no full flow! Did your clinic tell you to delay your FET until things had stabilised? Sorry, hope you don't mind all the questions!! X

ZessB profile image

Hi, after my failed cycle in Feb, I had a withdrawal bleed then nothing for 65 days (!) then I was put on norethisterone to induce a period so I could start my next cycle. As long as you have a bleed that comes naturally, I would say try not to worry. Your body has gone through so much, it’s bound to be a bit messed up somewhat. Good luck with the rest of your journey!

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply to ZessB

Wow 65 days!! That was one of the things I was wondering, if there were ways to induce a period if need be. Have you had these sort of problems following IVF cycles before, or was that your first cycle? I am due to speak to my clinic again later today about it all, I am concerned that it will be hard to identify a day 1 again if my next cycle is like this again... thank you for your message and your good luck wishes.

sandra81 profile image

The period which followed my failed transfer really heavy I needed to change my pad every so often. I am normally a very light bleeder that even if I forget to wear my pad there is no need to panic. The next period after that went back to normal though.

Gcgcgc profile image

I would look into herbs that can help normalise your cycles e.g agnus castis and red raspberry leaf tea and nettle tea and ensure you supplement with magnesium b12, and b6 for literal phase support. Eat nutritiously dense food too. Also for some seed cycling can really help.

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