Any good suggestions for CoQ10 - Fertility Network UK

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Any good suggestions for CoQ10

Jasmeet1991mb profile image
16 Replies

Hi everyone,

This is my first time posting, and been ttc for over 5 years.. And never had a bfp after being diagnosed with a endo cyst on right hand side and having a laproscopy to have it drained.. it's now returned after a year. Currently under going Sub fertility treatment with NHS and detected reoccurence of cyst via internal scan. After 1 failed cycle of IUI with Clomid tablets, unsucessful so now awaiting funding to be approved for IVF as that's what consultants want to do. I'm only 28 years old and have been told that IVF process and possible blastocyst won't be effected if I have a endo cyst.

After reading over the past few months of everyone's stories, supplant CoQ10 has been recommended even though it hasn't been suggested by consultant at clinic where IVF treatment is to be done.. as I'm awaiting a call and appoint.

Can anyone tell me the benefits of coQ10 and if so where can I purchase from which you all recommend. Another supplement was DHEA but have been told that it's to do with ovarian reserve so I might not possibly need it. What are your thoughts.

Sorry I sound funny, and asking so many questions just not 100% sure, as the consultant said some cases funding takes a month to approve then following month the process to IVF could start.. the consultations etc.. just feel like if I can prepare my body now. Maybe it's a good idea to.

Thank you everyone for reading, as I sound so inexperienced and wishing everyone received there long waited bfp 😘😘😘❤❤❤ xxx

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Jasmeet1991mb profile image
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16 Replies
Canadawaterchick profile image

We’ve been taking (hubby too) Life extension ubiquionol which is fab.. good luck lovely, if you need anything pls let me know xx

Jasmeet1991mb profile image
Jasmeet1991mb in reply to Canadawaterchick

Oh wow, okay I'm going to have alook online and try hunt it down and do some research on it. It always helps when you have someone who is going through the exact same thing. Sharing is caring... Thank you so much 😘😘

Canadawaterchick profile image
Canadawaterchick in reply to Jasmeet1991mb

You’re most welcome hon. Anytime xx

Bungleboo profile image

Hello, there is some evidence that it improves egg quality. You should get the ubiquinol form (as opposed to ubiquinone) as it’s said to be more easily absorbed by the body. I used the Pharma Nord bio ubiquinol which was expensive but saw a major improvement in egg quality between first and second ivf cycles.

Lots of helpful info in “It Starts with the Egg” by Rebecca Fett.

Good luck x

Jasmeet1991mb profile image
Jasmeet1991mb in reply to Bungleboo

Hi "Bungleboo" hope your well, I've only just starting reading "It starts with an egg" and they Reccomend coQ10 and DHEA.. But your using Pharma Nord bio ubiquinol. Do you have a link that you can send me of where you purchase yours from, and what's the delivery time like.

Your right however, if it's significantly improving your egg quality and you've seen it, then it must be doing wonders.. how long have you been taking it for xx

Thank you for responding xxx

Bungleboo profile image
Bungleboo in reply to Jasmeet1991mb

Hey I took it for about 6 months prior to IVF but I think it’s said that you need to take it for at least 3 months to see results. I got it from amazon, I’ll find the link. Delivery was quick x

Bungleboo profile image
Bungleboo in reply to Bungleboo

Bungleboo profile image
Bungleboo in reply to Bungleboo

It’s hard to know whether it was the ubiquinol that made the difference, but I wanted to try! Also did acupuncture and yoga x

Jasmeet1991mb profile image
Jasmeet1991mb in reply to Bungleboo

Wow, your literally a star. The ones I was finding on Amazon from this brand was coming up £86 but you found a cheaper one so thanks. I'm definitely going to order these tonight, and fingers crossed even if I don't get the treatment untill next year I would given the Pharma-Nor Ubiquinol enough time to settle into the system. How many times a week or month was you having acupuncture? I've started religiously going back to the gym so that's a source of trying to get back in shape.

I'm going to take alook at your profile now,.. And hopefully read your story. Thank you so much for your guidance and help ❤

Bungleboo profile image
Bungleboo in reply to Jasmeet1991mb

No problem at all. I had acupuncture every couple of weeks. My acupuncturist thought that chronic constipation was causing me problems (I had a disastrous first IVF where they suspected poor egg quality) so she focused on that and I also tried to eat well to keep things moving (sorry if TMI!!)

I had my first IVF at 37 and it was disastrous (as above). Second I was 38, had two embryos transferred and 4 Frosties. One embryo stuck and I’m 12 weeks pregnant! Im doing this on my own which is daunting but I am very, very excited x

Jasmeet1991mb profile image
Jasmeet1991mb in reply to Bungleboo

Was it specifically fertility acupunture that they specialised in. And that's amazing that they were able to possibly identify what was causing the complications in conceiving. Hahaha not tmi info at all... I appreciate the honesty, ttc isn't the most easiest thing.

Wow so it was 2nd time lucky congratulations lovely... it's amazing that you have 4 Frosties there for in the future. And it's good they were able to pinpoint which then helped the successful transfer and implantation.

I think you are beyond brave and strong for going through this experience single handedly alone, your a warrior! And that's going to be one lucky child to have a mum like you, who thought so hard to bring them into the world.. you have been blessed. And your going to make an amazing mum. Just remember how long it took you to get there and when times get tough remember there's not anyone out there better suited than you!!

You've got this 🙌 ❤ congratulations on hitting 3 months.. xxx

Bungleboo profile image
Bungleboo in reply to Jasmeet1991mb

What a lovely positive message to wake up to - thank you for your kind words ❤️

The acupuncturist didn’t specialise in fertility acupuncture but it was one of her interests and she was very experienced.

Good luck with everything, keep in touch x

Jasmeet1991mb profile image
Jasmeet1991mb in reply to Bungleboo

Just ordered the tablets you recommended so will start them Monday 😊 thank u, will definitely keep in touch. And have a great day, all the best ❤ x

Flora14 profile image
Flora14 in reply to Jasmeet1991mb

hello I was just wondering if you used the dhea too? I have heard this can improve egg quality but im reluctant to take it as I read somewhere it can mess up your own ovulation system as its a hormone....?its also not licensed in this country which worries me but when your desperate youll try anything wont you - I have had 4 failed rounds of ivf now and I think they will say my age and egg quality is the issue, my amh is 17 but that was couple of years ago now.can you help? thanks

Jasmeet1991mb profile image
Jasmeet1991mb in reply to Flora14

Hi there,

As above "Bungleboo recommended Pharma Nord bio ubiquinol as it's easily absorbed by the body and significantly improved egg quality. I've done my own research on it, but as I maybe having my treatment in a few months thought it's best if I reach out on here as to what others have done in this situation before starting IVF. The last thing I'd want is for them to tell my I need to improve egg quality when this is something I could of prevented by starting now.

They arrive on Monday so hopefully it will help.

One of my very good friends her Amh levels were low and her first round of IVF she used DHEA drops which u put under your tongue and got preg on her first round, now trying for baby no2 and her follicles aren't the same quality. I can sympathise with you, when your desperate u will try all the recommended products that u have heard that have been proven to work.

I would say try out DHEA xx

Always here if u need someone to try out and talk to i know how hard it is I'm currently struggling. But lately trying to stay optimistic and positive.

Have a good day xx

Flora14 profile image
Flora14 in reply to Jasmeet1991mb

Thank is indeed so hard.I feel like giving up but at same time not prepared too going to buy ubiquinol but not sure pd dhea just cause of conflicting info. We try to conceive naturally in between IVF Cycles as we've been told there's no reason why it shouldn't happen naturally so that's just why I'm a bit scared about trying something that might mess up my natural system as I need that to try in between if that makes sense. Do you know what your friends AMH levels were? Did she have regular periods? That's interesting that her quality wasn't as good though the time that she didn't take the dhea.argh lol x

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