So I wrote last week regarding my pain being horrendous due to my endometriosis flaring up. I'm not sure if this is just a coincidence, due to my hormonal changes following the miscarriage or because of the Progynova.
Anyway, I have spoken to both the clinic and my G.P practice regarding this and me continuing to need to take stronger painkillers. My clinic just advised me to speak to my G.P. My G.P has asked to see me face to face today as it was a telephone consultation yesterday. However, my G.P did say it's going to be a "risk and benefit situation" as opioids (codeine) can cause fertility issues and foetal abnormalities and NSAIDS can cause miscarriage and foetal abnormalities...
To add that that because my pain is horrendous, I am not sleeping and because I am sleep deprived and in constant pain it is having a massive impact on my emotional wellbeing.
I have gone back to being extremely tearful and borderline erratic with my moods. So much so my boss sent me home on Wednesday because I was inconsolable and my boss has stated to other staff members that I potentially shouldn't be in work... which considering another member of staff is on long term sick and another leaves for a new job soon is saying something because we are already short when we are "fully staffed". Work is another issue because of staffing it has added to my stress and my G.P suggested yesterday that I could benefit from some more time off. Which part of me agrees with but another part thinks it just increase my anxieties being off because I will be letting my team down and I also know my work load will just be piling up waiting for me when I get back. Therefore, this is increasing my anxiety in general so when I am waking in the middle of the night because of my pain, my anxiety is also stopping me from falling back to sleep.
So I also discussed anti-anxiety medication with the clinic who again told me to speak to the G.P; who again said it's a risk and benefit situation and he will discuss it further with me today.
My partner feels I am rushing back into the IVF process because its currently been 9 weeks since the miscarriage and I am planning on having the transfer done within the next 3ish weeks (dependent on my period). However, the way I saw it was I am never going to be okay with having another miscarriage, so by people telling me to wait until I'm ready for another knock back isn't going to work for me... I'll never be ready for that again. The other issues being is I wanted to take some control back over my body following the miscarriage because I felt so helpless so by me starting the pill when I did it was my choice (if that makes sense). And now my pain is so bad I'm thinking if I wait and it's not a flare up then what... what if the pain doesn't go I will have to continue on the Zapain and potentially have surgery again to see if the endo is back and if it can be removed... but then if that is the case how long will it be before the next transfer. On the flip side of that some evidence suggests pregnancy can help ease endo pain...
My partner is currently having counselling and off work with stress and anxiety following the miscarriage and also due to his work place. So I have him to worry about as well.
So here I am again at 3:18 awake in agony, my anxiety in over drive just wishing I knew what to do for the best. I feel like my life is constantly on hold and this won't change until a) I have a baby or b) we have used all our chances at IVF.
I know no one will be able to give me the answers but I just needed to write this all down and get it off my chest!
Thanks for listening ladies!