Hot flushes and night sweats - Fertility Network UK

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Hot flushes and night sweats

Purplecat1984 profile image
9 Replies

Hi all,

I’m 35 and have very low AMH. I had an ICSI cycle cancelled before egg collection earlier this year because I didn’t respond to the medications. We’re having a break until the new year when we’re hoping to go for a private cycle, but recently I’ve been having hot flushes and night sweats. I know realistically that this is me entering peri menopause but I’m also clutching at straws and wondering if any of the supplements I’m taking for egg quality might be to blame. I’ve been taking Ubiquinol, Pregnacare for Conception, Vitamin D3, and I recently started taking DHEA and Melatonin. I also take liquid iron and calcium. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or managed to get pregnant whilst experiencing menopausal symptoms.

Had a bit of a rubbish day as one of my team at work told me she’s pregnant at 43 and isn’t happy about it as she thought she’d completed her family. It hurt a lot hearing this when it’s something I doubt I’ll ever experience but want more than anything.

Sorry for the negative sounding post and wishing you all lots of baby dust xxx

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Purplecat1984 profile image
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9 Replies
Pandi11346 profile image

Hi Purplecat1984

Have you been told by the docs your entering Peri Menopause? I have had night sweats and hot flushers all through my 30’s I’m now 39 I was tested around 5 years ago for menopause and wasn’t anywhere near it so maybe ask for test. It’s probably hormonal so don’t let it worry you too much.

It’s never the best hearing someone else is pregnant when your going through IVF but just try and be excited for what you have to come (easier said than done I know) I wish you all the luck in he world 🤞 xx

Purplecat1984 profile image
Purplecat1984 in reply to Pandi11346

Hi Pandi46,

Thanks so much for your reply. I haven’t been told I definitely am but with low AMH and my mum having had an early menopause I think the doctors think it’s likely. What did the doctors put your hot flushes down to?

Good luck with your journey. I think you’re doing a natural cycle? Wishing you all the luck in the world and thanks again for your reply xx

Pandi11346 profile image
Pandi11346 in reply to Purplecat1984

They didn’t really they just assured me at the time I was no where near the menopause the hot flushes I still get now more so when I’m due on my period I go bright red all the time 😳 and the night sweats are every now and then but I do think it’s hormonal for me. However that was 5 years ago so I could be near it now 😬

Yes I’m doing a Natural cycle end of the month and I’m up the wall with my nerves 😬 I’m just overthinking everything I have been putting it off for months but I need to do it this month and be positive but it’s hard to not overthink it’s all still so very scary and I have been through the hardest part.

Thanks so much xx and don’t you worry you’ll be just fine 🤞🤞 Good Luck 🤞🤞 xx

Purplecat1984 profile image
Purplecat1984 in reply to Pandi11346

Aww really wishing you all the luck in the world with your cycle. I’ll look out for your updates. Thanks again for taking the time to message me xxx

Blondyboo profile image

Hi I know how you feel I had the same. I also responded badly to stims they got 1 egg but it didn’t even fertilise. We made the hard decision of donor eggs and never looked back I now have a son and love him soooo much. I found DE took a bit of the stress out as I just had to house him to grow 😍 I know DE isn’t for everyone but for us it gave us the family we wanted. We felt we would have just thrown lots of money at trying my eggs when they were clearly knackered (not saying yours are mind!) My son is 15 months old and I am now on HRT patches I’m 42. We might go back next year for a sibling. Wish you lots of luck if your first go was nhs private will up the drugs more that should give you a better chance with your eggs to respond better to higher Dosage x

Purplecat1984 profile image
Purplecat1984 in reply to Blondyboo

Hi Blondyboo,

Thanks for your message. So lovely to hear you have your son now and you’re thinking of a sibling :) I’ll give DE some thought and keep remembering that the chance of being a mum isn’t over yet.

Best of luck if you go again next year :) xxx

Baypony profile image

Hi Purplecat, sorry to hear you are having a rubbish time. I had all of these symptoms with peri menopause starting at age 33! I didn’t get pregnant with my own eggs (obviously) but am now 40 years old and expecting my first baby with donor eggs. 🤞 for you

Purplecat1984 profile image
Purplecat1984 in reply to Baypony

Thank you Baypony. Such early menopause is so unfair isn’t it. My mum had hers early, I should have known I’d follow in her footsteps too. Lovely to hear you’re expecting :) Hope everything goes well and thank you again xxx

Youyoutn profile image

I started having the same symptoms since the age of 30. I am now 43 and Still suffering from ovarian cysts, hot flashes, headaches, heart palpitations, low sleep quality, irregular menstrual cycles, sweating 😓,

pelvic pain, brain fog, high insuline resistance, vertigo, low estrogen, low AMH, low egg quality, high FSH, irregular periods...

I have been diagnosed with PCOS and postmenopausal/ premenopausal /menopausal... Doctors advised to start hormones replacement HRT and said impossible to get pregnant. I refused to start HRT and though I got pregnant naturally 3 times but unfortunately had miscarriages.

I am taking as supplements : Pregnacare for Conception, Vitamin D3, iron, calcium and glucophage for insuline resistance. I feel sometimes that the supplements makes my symptoms worst.

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