So I’ve just had my last drink. Egg collection tomorrow. I’m very 50/50 this time round as my last cycle didn’t make it past day three with sadly only one egg being good enough. I’m trying to be level headed this time and not hopeful as last time I was told the wrong info and I was under the impression that if you made to egg Collection you were becoming pregnant.
I’ve been told I’ve possibly got four eggs to be collected but again I’m being mindful. I’m a mixture of emotions at the minute. Beating myself up being negative then beating myself up being positive. I’m just unsure what to think. But I know what will be will be.
I must say though my boobs are so painful this time round and my ovaries fill like I have golf balls in them. I do feel different this time around. But I have had a totally different course of injections and I have had a better response with the number of follicles this time.
I’m just mindful, nervous, emotional and curious what the future holds.
I’m hoping tomorrow will bring me better news on my number of eggs and also hoping I make it past day three.
Who knows. But I wanted to share my feelings as I’ve kept this cycle very private this time as I didn’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up or have to explain myself if it didn’t go the way I wanted. But having this forum has helped a lot. So thank you even if you just read my posts. ❤️