Potential FET Cancellation: Morning... - Fertility Network UK

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Potential FET Cancellation

23 Replies

Morning ladies,hope your all having a good week.

I'm starting to have a bit of a panic, my FET is booked for 1st March,flights and accommodation all booked and had my 1st Intralipid infusion yesterday,however there is a chance my FET may get cancelled. I started bleeding a little bit on Sunday so rang the clinic and they told me to increase my progynova from 3 tablets a day to 4 which seemed to do the trick,had scan Tues and lining was perfect and no signs of bleeding but bleeding starting again last night and clinic said that if it doesn't stop by Tues then they will have to cancel my FET even if the lining is fine because they don't know where the bleeding is coming from and it could cause implantation failure.

I'm so worried now has anybody else had this? Xx

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23 Replies
Niki_B profile image

Oh gosh hun I have no advice but how stressful for you!! Well I hope that bleeding stops not only for your transfer but all the flights and stuff that are booked! Maybe the other ladies can give you advice and I hope it all works out and goes to plan 💖xxx

in reply to Niki_B

Thanks NikiB, how is everything going for you? xxx

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to

Umm yeah going ok I guess. This prognyova has not been good for my anxiety tho 😫 at least I can eat now and headaches aren't constant...oh and the newest thing in the last week is AF like cramping?! Is that normal? Hoping it's just my lining getting thick. I've got my scan and blood test Tuesday then all being well start progesterone and transfer 4th March 🙃 if everything goes ok with this bleeding of yours and your transfer is good to go when will it be? We might be 2ww buddies 🤗🙃🤞🙏 xxx

in reply to Niki_B

Glad to hear that you can eat again now and the headaches are easing...I seem to get headaches with them too oh and also a big swollen belly which I think could be the lining 🙁 I'm starting progesterone and Clexane on Sunday and transfer booked for 1st March fingers crossed, so yeah we should be 2ww buddies I'm pulling my hair out already so look at for all my ranting messages haha xx

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to

Yeah these cramps suck they can be pretty moderate at times! 😫 has that bleeding slowed down yet? Oh I hope we will be 2ww buddies! And yes I'm stressing already too lol 🙃🤞🙏🤞💕 xxx

in reply to Niki_B

It is slowing down now hun,my coordinator emailed me back today to say I should still be ok for transfer because scan was ok Tues but think I will have another scan before flying out to be on the safe side.

Really need a drink but settled for some non alcohol fizzy wine, wasn't the greatest!! Are you having 1 or 2 put in? Xxx

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to

Oh yay thsgs great news!! Yeah I would have another scan too probably just to be sure 😊

Oh gosh tell me about it I haven't had a drink in over 2 months dying for a wine! But hopefully all this sacrifice will be worth it! 🤞🙏🤞

I'm only having 1 put back even though I have 2 frosties and 2 failures under my belt I dont have a choice have to put 1 back as its funded (or NHS for you ladies) so that's it for us these last 2 frosties then unfortunately that's my dream shattered as we just dont have the $15,000 for another round 😞 so yes I'm definatley feeling the nerves and pressure 🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞 xxx

in reply to Niki_B

Sorry hun,you have told me that before,my brain is just all over the place at the minute!! I think it makes it even harder when you know that you only have a couple left but fingers crossed for you hun,you are doing everything you can do.

I've had more bleeding over last couple of days so going for a scan tomorrow to check my lining and also my cervix, feeling so anxious now xxx

Oh no Claire what a stress for you. I don't have any experience of this but have known a number of people to be irritated by the pessaries which caused bleeding. Could it be them? And if so, could you change to back passage and see if that makes a difference? I really hope you get a resolution and are able to go ahead. This is stressful enough at this stage without bleeding already. Big hugs and good luck xxx

in reply to

Hi lovely, how are you getting on? Hope the bump is developing nicely.

I don't start in the pessaries until Sunday,just on progynova,Prednisone and aspirin. I was explaining to Daisy I had the same a few wks ago,my period was a wk and a half late and got a positive pregnancy test but when I did the blood test it was negative so was told it was more than likely a chemical pregnancy (natural conception) . I had bleeding over weekend but upped my progynova and it stopped and no signs of bleeding when I went for my scan Tues and everything was how it should be!! I'm just going to have to keep my fingers crossed xxx

in reply to

Was the scan internal? That makes me bleed every time. Just the next day but awful and very scary.

I really hope all ok. But maybe ask them about the pessary taking location, given your sensitivity to bleeding even before starting them?

You may get a little bleed the day after transfer too due to this sensitivity. I actually even had some blood on the wire at transfer. Ironically with that, and bleed after internal scans, I am now further than ever.

Bump coming on nicely thank you. Now at half way point xx

in reply to

My bleeding started last Sat night and went on the Monday and then my scan was Tues and bleed started again yesterday so definitely wasn't caused by the scan, my coordinator emailed me back today to say should be ok because my scan results were all ok so I also emailed the place I go to in the UK and they said they can scan me again next week and they can also use a spectrum to see if the blood is coming from my cervix. The blood does seem to be a lot lighter now so hopefully it will stop all together.

Can't believe you are half way through, that's amazing and I bet you have to keep pinching yourself!! Xx

in reply to

Well that sounds like good news. I really hope it goes well.

Getting to 20 weeks was quite an achievement. I really am still pinching myself x

in reply to

Thankyou, definitely feeling more positive than I was this morning!!

I am really excited for you hun x

Oh no! How frustrating for you! I was going to suggest the pessaries like Camillage.

No matter how much you want to go ahead if you are still bleeding don’t do it.. stating the obvious but I had a friend who was bleeding and didn’t tell her clinic as she was so desperate to go ahead and the cycle was a write off. Just want you to have the best chance xx

in reply to

Thanks Daisy I appreciate your advice,I must admit the thought did go through my head but only 2 frosties left so don't want to jeopardize a cycle. I don't start on my pessaries until Sunday, currently on progynova, Prednisone and aspirin, it seems to have slowed down do hoping it will stop. I had the same a few weeks ago before starting on my meds, that was a few days before I think I'd had a chemical pregnancy!! Xx

in reply to

Did your chemical pregnancy have a chance to clear out your system?

in reply to

I think so but to be honest, didn't really know what to expect?? Xx

Debrakay1704 profile image

keeping everything crossed for you. x

in reply to Debrakay1704

Thanks Debrakay.

Hope all goes well with you too, try and get some relaxation in whilst you are in Athens x

tiger-cub profile image

Oh dear that’s so much for u .

I’m sure u don’t want to risk d cycle . And honestly if d bleeding doesn’t stop I would rather cancel .

I although hope that everything settle and u can go forward

in reply to tiger-cub

Hi tiger-cub,thankyou for your message. The bleeding seems to be slowing down do just praying it will stop completely

tiger-cub profile image

Oh hell yeah 🙏

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