Hey all,
So I'm reading over my form about the FET process and I'm confused so hope someone can help although I know all clinics work differently.
Basically the clinic have asked me to call on the first day of my period when we're going to start our FET.
The form says I'll be given a once of injection which will stop my period, I'll then go back 2 weeks later where they will check my endometrial lining. If the lining has thinned down then I'll be put on hormone replacement medication for another two weeks. After this I will attend clinic to ensure optimal thickness. And once this is achieved I will be given an exact date for when transfer will take place. So all this information is fine and makes sense.
However, on the next page it says I'll be asked for a baseline blood test in the first few days of my period and then I'll have daily blood tests from around cycle day 10/11 until ovulation is confirmed. This is so they can time exactly when to transfer embryo so it's more like it's a natural cycle.
This is what confuses me. So when are these blood tests going to happen?
If I'm being given an injection to stop my period for 2 weeks at the start?
I'm probably confusing everyone as much as myself here lol but hoping someone has maybe been through a similar FET process and can maybe explain