Skint in Bangkok: Hi there. I'm sitting... - Fertility Network UK

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Skint in Bangkok

SparkleCock profile image
27 Replies

Hi there. I'm sitting in a hotel room in Bangkok, having borrowed 15K pounds to spend Christmas making a baby at top clinic.

Just got back from docs and say that can only see 8 follicles and they need 14 eggs to have a successful go at it. They are already suggesting another round. I live in HK so this is both financially and time-wise impossible. It has only been possible as my school Christmas holidays fall in correct time for my cycle.

I'm 42. Eggs due to be retrieved on NYE.

Merry Christmas


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SparkleCock profile image
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27 Replies
baby2016 profile image

I don’t understand why they gave told you that! In theory you only need 1 follicle with one decent egg!! Lots of women on here have had less follicles then that and still gone on to get their BFP. They may just be referring to higher statistics rates. Don’t let what they’ve said create a negative feeling for you. Amongst those 8 could be some juicy eggs all ready to create you baby! Stay positive and sending lots of luck xx

SparkleCock profile image
SparkleCock in reply to baby2016

Aw. Thanks honey. Yeah, I've started doing research and doesn't seem so bad at all. The way doctor told me it was like end of days. He suggested I start a new cycle next month, but as I live in another country and can't take any more loans out this is impossible. I'm going to remain positive! Wishing you a lovely rest of festive season x

Sfarre profile image

This sounds odd to me. On my ivf attempt, I had 9 eggs retrieved, and I'm now pregnant with one of the ones that made it to day 5. So I don't understand what they are meaning by this 14 eggs business?!? 8 follicles might not be completely ideal, but it's hardly game over for the round, imo. Best of luck x

SparkleCock profile image
SparkleCock in reply to Sfarre

Thanks lovely. All seems a lot more possible after hearing your great success stories! Xx

HollieW profile image

I agree with the comments above that 8 follicles does not sound awful at all and it only takes one egg! Wishing you lots of luck 🤞xx

Lu1u profile image

What a load of rubbish- don’t listen to the stupid dr- it’s a quality not quantity issue- 8 is great- lots of ladies get less than that and are successful! Eat some nice Thai food and chill... good luck xxx

Tugsgirl profile image

Wishing you lots of luck and a happy new year xx

That all sounds very strange. Surely they should have advised you these kinds of criteria before you travelled there? A quick scan locally before you got there would have told them that. I would actually refuse to pay them and find another clinic. If you have paid already I would complain to whoever I could. It sounds very dodgy and nobody else should use them if they operate in this way.

Sending you big hugs and hoping you have this resolved soon xx

Clairol profile image

I agree with the above post , they don’t sound very professional

I only got 5 eggs , 3 fertilised and I now have a happy healthy 3 year old girl . So what a load of rubbish .

Good luck x

SparkleCock profile image
SparkleCock in reply to Clairol

Ace news! 😍😍 xxx

Snowy76 profile image

Hmmmm.......During my three rounds of IVF, our unit got a total of 13 eggs from me - yup from 3 rounds!!!! As the nurses kept saying, and others here - it only takes 1! Last round we got 4 eggs, 2 fertilised well, both transferred back in and now 18 weeks pregnant with one.

You've invested a lot to get where you are now, be persistent with them on this round - retrieve these 8 and see how they get on. The 14 eggs things sounds more business motivated then baby making motivated. Success can be possible with what you've got and you still have hope.

Chin up girl! x

in reply to Snowy76

Yes, my own egg rounds I got 3, then 2 and even with my donor eggs I got 6! And that was from a healthy 19 year old. I am now 12 weeks pregnant from that.

What they are telling you sounds absolutely insane and impossible - well, impossible without your health being compromised. With that number of eggs surely you would be at risk of ohss?

Snowy76 profile image
Snowy76 in reply to

It's all still possible with just a few eggs!!! As we kept telling each othre all the way though - always gotta have a bit of hope! Hope you're keeping well camillage x

in reply to Snowy76

Yes thanks. I totally agree. It only takes one egg. That clinic in Bangkok sounds absolutely bonkers and downright dangerous!


SparkleCock profile image
SparkleCock in reply to

Magic news. So happy you’re entering second trimester land. Wonderful Xmas present. With love xxx

SparkleCock profile image
SparkleCock in reply to Snowy76

Wonderful to hear it Snowy! Much love xx

Snowy76 profile image
Snowy76 in reply to SparkleCock

Thank you x

SparkleCock profile image

Wow ladies! Thanks so much. Was feeling a bit panicked but feel so much better now. I go in for next set of bloods and scan at noon tomorrow and hopefully the picture will be brighter. That will be day 10 of my cycle and I’ll habe done 8 evenings of gonal f and ivf-m 300iu injections. I took the first cetratide last night and it stung and swelled up like a bee sting. I had two 14mm but all rest were tiddlers. Probably the stress of what doc said caused minor allergic reaction. I wish I could add a photo to show you the slide he uses. He says you need 14 eggs to have 10 mature eggs, 8 embryos, 4 blastocysts and then 2 that pass PGS testing. As you all say. It only takes 1! The doctor and clinic are very high quality but a total baby making factory. Such a shame there is so little room for compassion in such a heart centred endeavour. Shall keep you posted xxxxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to SparkleCock

Wishing you so much luck!xx

in reply to SparkleCock

Good luck. And put your foot down to insist that they go ahead. They do sound bonkers. Xx

Kcrochet profile image
Kcrochet in reply to SparkleCock

Those numbers he quoted are just averages and really every patient is different. Maybe they aim for such favourable numbers so the clinic can show good results and attract more business..? Which would be totally unethical as they should be doing what's best for each patient. I hope they don't try and put up any more barriers to proceeding on this round. Good luck! xx

magda22 profile image

I don't think ivf can be categorised in that way - sure there might be averages they use but every cycle is so unique and individual to the person, best to ignore the averages a bit, loads of people who sit below average go on to have success! Very best of luck xxx

jengi profile image

Good luck!

SparkleCock profile image

Ug. Just got back from scan and bloods. Told hormones dropped and recommended cancelling again. Less follicles. Asked if I’d been doing injections correctly? Then insisted on nurse giving me a cetratide jab. Now arguing with husband as I’m trying to see how this happened? Did I ovulate early? It makes no sense. Doc wants me to try again but I said I can’t til summer as have ill mother I need to visit at Easter and no other time off work. Have one more set of injections then go back tomorrow and see. God this is awful. I’ve been so good. No alcohol or caffeine in almost three months. Healthy balanced diet. All hormones seemed fine before. Just have to try and relax. And make it up with my similarly upset husband. Hard when pumped full of hormones and disappointment. Has anyone else here had similar?

magda22 profile image
magda22 in reply to SparkleCock

Oh what a nightmare, I am sorry. I've had similar disappointment the last 2 times I wanted to start a cycle, my hormones were all over the place because of a cyst, then I had to wait because of work commitments. There is a slim chance I will try again in the next week or so, but if my hormones are still haywire I have to wait until April because of a work contract abroad during Feb-Mar . In my case that feels bad because my egg supply is already very low. I momentarily thought about cancelling the work, but obviously that's what's paying for my treatment and anyway, if I just get cancelled again and told to wait until the cyst has cleared it will be a big waste.

I find every time I attempt to 'schedule' ivf treatment to fit with work things mess up. It definitely does not play ball! Not something that can be controlled or predicted! This just makes it more difficult to fit into regular life. So I really sympathise with you on that.

A couple of crazy suggestions - could you talk with your work, ask them to let you go for 2 weeks at short notice if you try again in the future? (don't ask, don't get mentality), is there a clinic in the place you live where you could do treatment?

Hoping you might get better news when u head back. Sending strength and love to help deal with the craziness and unpredictability of treatment 💪

Very best of luck xxxx

SparkleCock profile image
SparkleCock in reply to magda22

Thanks so much. Such a shock. I was planning how to escape to do Frozen Transfer in Feb and finding a mega loan and all the while my body doesn’t do normal things with IVF drugs. I’ll see what they say tomorrow. I work as a teacher so can’t get time off other than hols as I have step kids my husband and I need to see in Oz and my mum is sick in UK so I have huge commitments elsewhere. Life can be so tricky. I think I will have to plan in my homecity of HK which is even more than BKK but at least no travel and hotels. And then maybe Europe next summer? Sigh xxx

SparkleCock profile image

In amazing but bizarre news my hormones bounced back up and I have 6-8 little eggs so I’m booked in for a New Year Eve EC! Nurse and doctors say drop inexplicable but so happy I get the chance to try and make a baby. We’d have to call her Eve if it worked in recognition of the magic day it happened. (If she we’re a girl, of course) Thanks for all your support! Xxx

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