Worried about menopause : I'm really... - Fertility Network UK

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Worried about menopause

Ash2016 profile image
β€’21 Replies

I'm really staring to worry that I am menopausal. I'm 35 with low amh. My amh was 10.03 when tested in September 2016, FSH was 6.7 and LH 3.1. I had first ivf cycle last month which ended in BFN. I didn't respond well and our two fertilised embryos (from 6 eggs) weren't great quality. My periods are really light and short and my cycles are short, around 24/25 days. Today is day 26 and I've had next to know AF. I've had hot flushes tonight and I don't know if this is just coincidence of there is more to it. I'm a bit too scared to actually find out the answer. Has anyone had anything similar and still be ok and gone on to conceive? 🀞

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Ash2016 profile image
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21 Replies
ClarabGlasgow profile image

I don't have any advice really but just to say I kind of have the same fear! I am 33 and amh is 3.1. I don't know my fsh not sure they ever took it as I never had day 3 bloods, only day 21. I was also a poor responder to ivf stimms, only got 3 follicles , 2 mature & fertilised, one made it to top quality but a bfn! One ovary got no eggs just a cyst & the doc said she could tell by looking at it it had been operated on before (I had a laparoscopic ovarian cyst removal in 2014) and that it likely affected my reserve! Never been told that ever before! My dh has 'supersperm' apparently so it's horrible feeling the problem lies with me now. I am still in shock really as before this ivf cycle the infertility cause was diagnosed as unexplained & I'm now awaiting my follow up appointment to see if they change that to DOR! Also worth saying for me this is secondary infertility. My periods are normal in terms of heaviness but sporadic in terms of timing, some cycles it's 23 days, others it's 30. I also have brown spotting for a few days before hand a lot of the time. From what I have read, Lowe ovarian reserve might mean less eggs but not necessarily poor quality. I have just ordered a few books from Amazon, been researching the quality thing quite a lot and have found there are a lot of supplements that claim to help. Happy to share . Keep in touch & good luck xx

Ash2016 profile image
Ash2016 in reply to ClarabGlasgow

Thanks Clara! I'm from Glasgow too by the way 😊 I bought the book it starts with the egg last year and that had loads of tips for improving egg quality. I went organic, stopped drinking, only used natural toiletries and all the rest of it. I was also taking coq10 before last cycle but didn't seem to make any difference (or things were really bad and it didπŸ˜‚). I was taking 300mg a day but think I might up it to 600 from reading more about it. I've just ordered some dhea from the states and will start taking that for next cycle. At the moment though all the positive changes I made have gone out the window. I've been on holiday and been making up for the booze ban I've been on for the past 9 months. I need to get back on it but feeling bit hopeless about prospects at the moment so hard to get motivated!

Ash2016 profile image
Ash2016 in reply to Ash2016

I meant to say, we had our follow up appointment last week and dr didn't really change diagnosis from unexplained so I think that might be the same for you. He said that as long as there are eggs and sperm there's always a chance. Hope your appointment goes well x

Allybally81 profile image

Your FSH sounds normal I would say. I was told I had went into ovarian failure when I was about 28, have completely irregular periods but no other symptoms to note. The fact you have a pretty regular cycle would show your hormone levels are good I would say, best to check back with the docs to put your mind at rest though xxx

Ash2016 profile image
Ash2016 in reply to Allybally81

Thanks for the reassurance ally! I don't know what I'd do without this site 😊 trip to the drs it is I think x

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Ash2016

I also think your fsh sounds fine. I also wouldn't worry about light periods unless they didn't used to be light.

A change to drug regime made a big difference to me, I went from 3 mature eggs to nine, and I'm borderline low ovarian reserve, so this is worth looking at for you.

emmab178 profile image

I am 38 with an amh of 8.88 and borderline fsh. First round of icsi 3 mature eggs collected from my one remaining ovary. All went to blast and pregnant with a top quality one with a medium quality one in the freezer.

People have been successful with really low amh levels. And some have had bad cycles and then on the next cycle responded really well with either exactly the same drugs or changes in the drugs.

The dr can check you are ovulating with two blood tests across your cycle if you are concerned about menopause.

Ash2016 profile image
Ash2016 in reply to emmab178

Thanks Emma. Congratulations on your BFP. That all sounds really promising. I think I will go back to the drs for bloods but part of me doesn't want to know the answer. We are starting to research private clinics so I guess it better to have it done before spending lots of money. I hope your pregnancy goes well x

emmab178 profile image
emmab178 in reply to Ash2016

Maybe the hot flush this time was due to the ivf cycle drugs?

Do you know when your mum had her menopause? 35 would be incredibly early for menopause.

Ash2016 profile image
Ash2016 in reply to emmab178

I did wonder that as I'd read that the progyniva kind of induced a menopause like state. My mum had a hysterectomy when she was in her mid-late 30s so it's hard to know. She also was in her early 20s when she had her kids so not much to go on there.

emmab178 profile image
emmab178 in reply to Ash2016

It’s anazing how many ladies of that generation had hysterectomies due to drs Putting it forward as an the only option for things like fibroids or endo. Quite barbaric in my opinion.

If you can’t wait for the gp you could also try one of those ovulation kits.

Ash2016 profile image
Ash2016 in reply to emmab178

I know! It's crazy that we just go along with things suggested without questions. I've learnt a lot through this process about my body that I was completely ignorant about before. It's made me question why I ever took the pill?! But I guess when you are young you just want to avoid getting pregnant at costs. Oh the irony πŸ˜‚ good idea on the tests πŸ‘ thanks lovely x

Anipea profile image

I have low AMH 6.6 diagnosed in June this year. I recently got my bfp and one of my symptoms has been hot flushes xx

Ash2016 profile image
Ash2016 in reply to Anipea

Congratulations anipea! That's great news xxx

Anipea profile image
Anipea in reply to Ash2016

Thank you! xx

anna0908 profile image

My amh was tested when I was 36 and was 5.3. Fsh 10.5. My periods have been 26-27 Day cycles for a couple of years with 4-5 days of spotting leading up. My 1st 2 cycles after those results weren't too bad but no bfp. The 3rd when I was 38 (by which time I'm sure my amh/fsh was much worse) I had a really poor response with only 1 egg. However, then I fell pregnant naturally just 2 months after 3rd failed cycle! Clearly still some good eggs in there even with all these results and signs. All those numbers mean is you are a little closer to the menopause than others your age, not that you are about to descend into full menopause. Unfortunately it also means our bodies find it a bit harder to respond to the off drugs and are unlikely to ever get a large haul of eggs, but it doesn't mean the ones you do get won't do the job. You might need a change in protocol to get the best response for you though. Things can change a lot between cycles. Best wishes xx

Ash2016 profile image
Ash2016 in reply to anna0908

Wow Anna, what an amazing story! Despite all the bad stats, I still hope for a miracle each month and hearing stories like yours is ver reassuring. Congratulations! We're giving some thought to natural modified ivf. Off to info evening next week to find out more. Sounds promising for low amh but the thought of only getting one egg per cycle does worry me a bit, even if it is all you need.

Blondyboo profile image

I had AMH of 4.3 4 years ago when I was 34 and told was was pre menopause with low ovarian reserve. It was a shock. you are not classed as actual menopause until you have had no period for a year.. So I am in pre-menopause - still having periods but cycle length from 21 - 31 days. I had one go with my own eggs only 2 follicles throughout stimming only 1 egg was retrieved and it didnt fertilize so we have gone onto Donor Eggs. Turns out my Mum had early menopause the same as me. x

Ash2016 profile image
Ash2016 in reply to Blondyboo

Good luck with your donor cycle xx

in reply to Blondyboo

Hello, how did your donor cycle go? I've been told that is my only hope as well, my AMH is 0.4 and FSH 35 so really terrible stats devastating but now focusing on researching Egg donation, I hope yours went well all the best X

Blondyboo profile image
Blondyboo in reply to

Hello I had donor eggs in Cyprus and currently 18 weeks pregnant 😁. It did take our third go as had a chemical first then a bfn before a bfp. But we are so pleased and loved our clinic and would go back in a heart beat for another go. I found once the decision of using donor eggs is made the worry of the genitic side of it goes and all you want is a bfp as if it were your own eggs. The protocol is easier than using your own and going abround fir 7days is relaxing and stress free and cheaper than uk! Xx

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