Baffled at collection... 😒 - Fertility Network UK

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Baffled at collection... 😒

Orla9298 profile image
β€’13 Replies

Hi all,

I'm a bit baffled after my egg collection this morning (and very upset). Wondering if Diane might have any thoughts on this...

I had my one and only follicle scan on Friday morning and it was looking great, day 9 of stims, and I triggered Saturday night. Friday morning the scan showed left 4 follicles, 26,20,14 and 1<10 and the right had 7 follicles, 21,20,20,19,19 and 2 x <10. I did one more merional Friday night as directed and 1 more cetrotide Saturday morning.

Waking after my 8am collection I was told I only had 2 eggs and due to the discrepancy between Fridays scan and today's retrieval they brought the doctor to me who did the retrieval. She said that I only had 2 follicles on each side to drain and that was it and she can't explain why.

My concern is that late Saturday afternoon I got some pains on my lower right side exactly like when I ovulate and I actually said to my mum and hubby that I was worried I had ovulated. The doc said it's highly unlikely but that she couldn't explain why all those good size follicles were totally gone??

I saw them myself on the screen and the nurse on Friday was an older experienced nurse and she said the follicles looked great.

I'm just at a loss 😒 I know every follicle doesn't necessarily have an egg but I didn't know follicles could vanish when they are 20mm??

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13 Replies
DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Orla9298. So sorry to hear that this has happened. Obviously, your embryologist should report back to you as to what happened, but on the face of things any follicle over 17mm has the potential of having a viable egg in it after trigger injection. I don't know, but I wonder whether having to wait another 3 days for egg collection, if you did in fact ovulate, leaving just a few follicles to aspirate?? It's so sad when everything was going well, You need to have a good chat with him/her. Thinking of you. Diane

Orla9298 profile image
Orla9298 in reply to DianeArnold

Thank you Diane, that's my worry that I've wasted follicles/eggs when I have very low amh.

But nothing can be done now other than sit tight and wait to hear about my two πŸ˜”

Thank you for your reply x

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK in reply to Orla9298

Hi Orla298. Oh I do hope they grow well, in spite of what has happened, There's no reason why they shouldn't. Thinking of you lots. Diane

vic77 profile image

Oh no honey you must be so upset I totally understand. I don't understand the ins and outs of follicles etc but Diane has given good advice. Try to rest up and keep being positive that those two eggs are fabby and I am sure you have already heard this but it really is quality over quantity..and you only need 1..I have every thing crossed for tomorrow's call..write a list of questions to ask when the emryologist calls tomorrow xxxx

JulesNI profile image

Hi Orla, I know exactly how you feel!! I had high numbers on Friday and my EC was brought forward to this morning, was totally shocked and disappointed when the Dr said he had only got 2 eggs and they couldn't understand why? he thinks I may have ovulated but they took more bloods to see why this has happened and I'm hoping also I will get answers tomorrow! thinking of you! x

Orla9298 profile image
Orla9298 in reply to JulesNI

Ahhhh JulesNI its just awful isn't it. I was hoping for 7 or 8 really. But no one took bloods or anything from me so I guess I won't find out much. I will make a list of questions for the embryologist as suggested. I really hope your two and my two do well and will be thinking of you x x

JulesNI profile image
JulesNI in reply to Orla9298

Yeah Orla, i was expecting the same! 😞 just don't understand what went wrong, I only had crampy pain today and he said that was normal? I will deffo be looking an explanation as we only get 1 go over here! πŸ™„ yes here's praying that we have super eggs 🀞and some answers! Best of luck for tomorrow πŸ€ xx

JulesNI profile image
JulesNI in reply to JulesNI

How did you get on Orla? Hope all went ok! x

Orla9298 profile image
Orla9298 in reply to JulesNI

Just one made it, so we have only one embryo. I'm booked in for thursday at 13.45 for a day 3 transfer and I absolutely refuse to Dr Google it and research the drop off rate of fertilised eggs. Fingers crossed and terrified and trying to be positive xx

JulesNI profile image
JulesNI in reply to Orla9298

Aw I am sorry Orla, but at least there is still 1 fighting, praying all goes ok for you πŸ™ I'm in on Thursday too at 13.50, yes deffo positive thoughts all round!! πŸ€žπŸ€xx

Strawb86 profile image

Oh Orla I am so so sorry this happened. How incredibly frustrating and upsetting. Do try and stay positive as much as possible, you have two eggs left, hopefully they're little fighters. Let us know how you get on xxx

tiger-cub profile image

Oh orla that's totally heartbreaking. But why in d first place did they wait 3 days. I think you need to take this up with ur dr. And wait what d embryologist has to say abt ur 2 eggs. I know it's d hardest.

Keeping all fingers crossed for you

72cloud9 profile image

Oh u poor thing,so disappointing for u.u definitely need to push for answers.praying your 2 eggs do their job well for u.hugs xxx

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