Hey ladies
So I'm looking for some reassurance for Monday with egg collection. I hear mixed stories but I'm absolutely terrified.
Spoke with my nurse Friday and she said I will be sedated and this won't necessarily put me to sleep but I should be very relaxed and feel no pain. I may sleep but would waken easily.
She said if I show signs of any pain they'd up the dose. This should reassure me but I'm still worried thinking but what if it's still really painful?
Any stories from experience would be appreciated.
Scan on Tuesday showed I had 13 follicles on each ovary (I had 7 on each before I started injections) scan yesterday they didn't tell me exactly how many just that I had lots with the biggest ones measuring at 20mm and that I was ready for egg collection on Monday.
I take my trigger injection tonight at 10pm
Thanks x
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