Disappointing Egg Collection - Fertility Network UK

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Disappointing Egg Collection

Zoexx profile image
23 Replies

Hi Ladies

So I had my egg collection today where just the one egg was retrieved.

I was told that there were 5 follicles but 4 were immature and therefore not able to release. They said they tried “flushing” 8 times but they still couldn’t get them to release. They also indicated that the one egg that was retrieved was a little dark which could mean that one is not fully mature either 😔

At the day 10 scan the follicle sizes were 19, 17, and 14 (the others didn’t show up on the scan), and I triggered that evening with 5,000IU of Gonasi.

With an AMH score of 0.9, 5 follicles was the best response I could have hoped for (I only produced 1 follicle/egg on my previous round), but it seems things just haven’t gone to plan this time round which is really disappointing 😏

Have any of you lovely ladies experienced this before? I am just struggling to understand why it might have happened and what if anything we could change going forward.

Would really appreciate any advice you can offer as we will probably have to wait a few months for a follow up appointment with the consultant and your advice has been invaluable in the past.

Thanks in advance x

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Zoexx profile image
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23 Replies
Lilly12255 profile image

Try 10iu gonasi + 0.5 buserelin next time. Did you do ivf or icsi ?

Zoexx profile image
Zoexx in reply to Lilly12255

Hi Lilly12255 thanks for your advice, that’s really helpful. I did wonder whether double the dose would have helped! It was IVF x

Lilly12255 profile image
Lilly12255 in reply to Zoexx

At least the eggs would have had extra time to mature as it was ivf

Hi Zoexx,

No advice, but our situation seems similar.

I have a reduced ovarian reserve, and an endometrioma on my left ovary.

My first round on the long protocol I produced one follicle, so my IVF was converted to IUI. That was a BFN.

Second round more positive. I was changed to the short protocol and had 7 follicles, 5 of a good size and they managed to retrieve 2 eggs. I had 1 good blastocyst on day 5 returned last Wednesday. The other blastocyst was poor quality on day 6, so no good for freezing. So I am in the dreaded 2ww. Realistically, our best chance is with donor eggs, and we are on the waiting list. But our consultant thought the short protocol was worth a try, and seems it was, as getting 1 good quality day 5 blastocyst is a bit of a miracle after our first round.

Zoexx profile image
Zoexx in reply to healthunlockedname

Hi healthunlockedname

Thanks for taking the time to reply, it’s really good to hear from someone in a similar position. Your second round does sound a lot like ours! I just find it so frustrating when there are follicles there but things don’t go to plan 😔

It’s great that you were able to transfer a 5 day blastocyst though, that’s really positive! We were in the same 1 egg miracle position on our last round and it did result in a BFP for us so I really hope it works out for you! Unfortunately the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage but it was still a massive achievement to get that far with just the 1 egg!

We have actually found out this morning that our 1 egg has fertilised overnight which we didn’t expect 😃 🙏 we just need it to get to day 5 now but at least there is still some hope there for this round🤞

I agree that donor eggs would probably be our best option too, although we are also considering doing a 3 cycle round of natural modified IVF as this seems to be a worth a try before heading straight to donor.

Good luck for test day! I really hope you get a BFP, will be keeping everything crossed for you!! xx

Cat84 profile image

Hello Zoexx, firstly really sorry to hear this. It’s so tough going through this rollercoaster. Not sure if this will help but I also have low AMH and so my first round I was on maximum doses of all drugs. I had 3 follicles going into egg collection but they only collected 1 in the end and it was immature so that was that. They have suggested mild IVF this next time as it seems that I just don’t respond to lots of drugs. So instead of injections everyday they’re now every other day so that they focus on just getting 1-2 really good eggs. We’re just starting the next cycle so fingers crossed it works. I’ve also been taking DHEA three times a day and have vitamins coming out of my ears! I’m not sure if this helps but thought I would share just in case. Best of luck x

Zoexx profile image
Zoexx in reply to Cat84

Hi Cat84

Thanks for your message, that’s really helpful as the mild/natural modified IVF protocol is something we are definitely considering for our next round. We would need to move clinics for this but it definitely seems more suited to us. I have heard so many positive stories about DHEA but our clinic/doctor do not offer it which is really frustrating. Are you in the UK and do you source it yourself?

It is such a rollercoaster of emotions🎢 I felt so deflated yesterday after egg collection but then we had a call this morning to say that our one egg had fertilised overnight which we were not expecting so I’m feeling a lot more positive today!! Will find out on Sunday if it’s going back in so the 5 day waiting game begins ...

I really hope your next round of mild IVF is successful🤞It definitely seems that a lower dose of medication is the way forward when it comes to low ovarian reserve. Please can you let me know how it goes as I would be really interested to hear. Thank you and good luck 🍀 xx

Cat84 profile image
Cat84 in reply to Zoexx

Oh excellent news! I’m so pleased to hear that!! I’ll have everything crossed for you 😊

Yes we’re in the UK and we got DHEA from our clinic but obviously they charge the earth so I found it online in the end as it was a third of the price! Let me know if you need anymore info on that! I’ll keep you posted on how the next round goes...glad to be having less injections that’s for sure! 😊

Marisa32 profile image

I also agree with the comments suggesting natural IVF. Stims don't do much if anything for us poor responders with low AMH. I was at 0.16, never got more than 1 egg/1blast, so ended up moving to IUIs and few months later got pregnant naturally. I feel like the quality of my eggs without the meds was better. I'm 41, so I figured I would give 12 eggs a chance (try 12 natural cycles) before doing DE. Hoping I would catch one good one out of those 12. 16 weeks tmrw so hopefully I got the good one. You also seem to have pretty good rates, 1 egg resulting in 1 blast, so yeah try few natural cycles before doing DE. You never know.

Zoexx profile image
Zoexx in reply to Marisa32

Hi Marisa32

Thanks very much for your reply, it is really encouraging to hear that natural IVF worked out well for you. Massive congratulations on your pregnancy, that’s wonderful news!

Can I ask, did you do 12 cycles of natural IVF over 12 consecutive months? Also does that mean you have other eggs/embryos leftover to use in the future? Sorry I’m not too sure how it works with natural IVF but it definitely sounds like something I need to look into! xx

Marisa32 profile image

Thanks. I was considering natural IVF but luckily, in my case, I didn't have to do it because I don't have blocked tubes or any other issue preventing me from getting pregnant other than frankly my old eggs. So IUI cycles were the next logical step. Got blighted ovum on the first try and BFN on 2nd. After that doctor told me I can just keep trying naturally at home, as IUI in my case also wasn't necessary.

Natural IVF is really the only realistic option for poor responders who are unable to conceive naturally or with IUI for whatever reason. You would do back to back cycles and bank a couple of embryos, pga test them if you want and put a good one in. You could try it out while waiting for the DE stuff, maybe you get lucky. Also check your TSH levels, thyroid issues often cause low egg reserves. Sometimes those things get missed.

Zoexx profile image
Zoexx in reply to Marisa32

Hi Marisa32

Thanks so much for your reply, that’s really helpful. It’s so great that you managed to get pregnant naturally and didn’t end up needing to go down the IVF route.

We were never actually offered IUI, the tubal patency test came back clear so I think the only issue we have is my low egg reserve/egg quality. I am already on medication for thyroid (for fertility reasons only), that was picked up a while back.

I didn’t know about the pga testing, that’s definitely something we will be looking into if this cycle fails (we are still waiting to hear if our one embryo is good enough to go back in).

Thank you for all your advice, we are still pretty new to all this and we do not get a lot of support from our current clinic so it is much appreciated! xx

Jumpppy profile image
Jumpppy in reply to Zoexx

Many doing natural or low stim do not go down the PGS route - be aware you could end up with all abnormals and clinics in the UK may not let you transfer those. Abnormals have a lower chance of healthy live birth, but the chance is greater than 0%. "Normals" are not garenteed, more like 60% chance of healthy live birth. If you are at the end of the road before going to DE may not be worth testing - may be better off just (banking and) transferring.

Good luck xoxo

Zoexx profile image
Zoexx in reply to Jumpppy

Oh ok thanks for the warning, I will bear this in mind. Really good to have a second opinion on this. Thank you x

Leea1984 profile image

Hi. I had around 8 follicles on my last cycle but only 1 egg was retrieved, on EC the other follicles were empty. Anyway that 1 egg resulted in a blastocyst and I am now 18 weeks pregnant so there is hope xx

Zoexx profile image
Zoexx in reply to Leea1984

Hi Leea1984

Thanks for sharing your story, that’s amazing and it really gives me some hope!

Congratulations!! X

BBHH1 profile image

Sorry to hear. I don’t think you have time to waste and wait months for the appointment. You need to keep trying!

Double trigger with HCG + lupron can help. But when you have few follicles it’s a hit or miss. Can go really well or really bad. Let’s hope for a better one next time.

But keep moving and don’t wait!

Zoexx profile image
Zoexx in reply to BBHH1


Thanks so much for your reply!

We are currently waiting to see if our one embryo makes it to blastocyst as we were really surprised to hear the next day that it did fertilise despite it not looking perfect 🤩

If it doesn’t work out though I will definitely be taking your advice about moving on ASAP and upping/changing the trigger injection.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply, your advice is much appreciated xx

DooDenny profile image

Hi Zoexx, I was the exact same, 1 egg retrieved. Was expecting 3/4 from the follicle progression. My one egg did fertilize and I had my 5dt last sat, have my blood test on Thursday. It really only does take just one egg xx

Zoexx profile image
Zoexx in reply to DooDenny

Hi DooDenny I’m so pleased to hear that your one egg made it to transfer .. we found out just yesterday that ours made it to a blastocyst too and it was transferred yesterday 🙌🤩 Feeling very lucky to be in this position after such a disappointing start but it’s very strange as this happened on our last round (one egg made it all the way to a BFP but I sadly miscarried at 8 weeks). Just gotta hope it sticks this time round 🙏 such a rollercoaster!! Wishing you lots of luck for Thursday!! 🤞xx

DooDenny profile image
DooDenny in reply to Zoexx

Amazing news! So happy for you xx

There is still hope with one egg.

In 2011 I had 2 rounds of IVF. Both rounds I only had 1 egg removed, I didn't they told me I had no hope... max 3% chance of success. The first round it didn't work, but the second round I got pregnant and had a successful birth. I now have a 9 year old daughter called Sienna. So miracles do happen.

LuxFleur profile image

I only had one follicle last September and we cancelled collection. I took supplements with zinc and selenium and my June collection was much better. Sometimes you just get a bad cycle! How long was the time between your cycles?

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