Hi Ladies
So I had my egg collection today where just the one egg was retrieved.
I was told that there were 5 follicles but 4 were immature and therefore not able to release. They said they tried “flushing” 8 times but they still couldn’t get them to release. They also indicated that the one egg that was retrieved was a little dark which could mean that one is not fully mature either 😔
At the day 10 scan the follicle sizes were 19, 17, and 14 (the others didn’t show up on the scan), and I triggered that evening with 5,000IU of Gonasi.
With an AMH score of 0.9, 5 follicles was the best response I could have hoped for (I only produced 1 follicle/egg on my previous round), but it seems things just haven’t gone to plan this time round which is really disappointing 😏
Have any of you lovely ladies experienced this before? I am just struggling to understand why it might have happened and what if anything we could change going forward.
Would really appreciate any advice you can offer as we will probably have to wait a few months for a follow up appointment with the consultant and your advice has been invaluable in the past.
Thanks in advance x