Hi everyone,
Thank you for all your well wishes on my last post. I hope everything went ok with your big days everyone?
Unfortunately, this cycle was just not meant to be for us, from quincy stopping my January cycle to my responding poorly this time round after responding so well to my cycle last August, I think it just wasn't our time.
When I had my first follie check this time I was gutted we had only 3 front runner follies and other much smaller ones compared to 9 last time. Wondered if it was due to illness or other big personal stresses we have going on... hmm?
So, on Monday we waited in the recovery area for me to go into theatre, dh provided his sample and we waited... and waited... We could hear some curfuffle going on with the medical staff and asked one of the nurses what was going on, she said they'd had a problem with the previous surgery- we could hear staff talking about stitches and such - my heart went out to the poor woman in theatre but also as every 20 minutes went by, concerns for the success of our cycle grew as it was an 1.5 hours past the all important 36 hours window since I'd taken my trigger shot and since dh had produced his sample, both elements we'd been lead to believe were time restricted.
At that point, the anesthesiologist took us off to a room, he seemed really flappy. I'm not a baby with needles and such but he hurt me putting the cannula in and apologised. I asked him about my concerns that it was nearly 38 hours past trigger shot and nearly 2 hours since dh's sample. He said he'd get a Dr to answer that and we were left for another 15 minutes with seemingly flappy medical staff rushing by the door. It all just felt so wrong and not at all like last time that I didn't feel comfortable about proceeding.
The dr came in and said that not everyone ovulates at exactly 36 hours, some go longer but she was happy to scan to check if I'd ovulated prior to surgery and if I has she wouldn't go ahead. I was happier with this. She said - in contrast to our fertility doctor who I'd expressed concerns about my follie number to at the last scan and who said she was happy with what I had - that (unlike the other doctor), what she was really concerned about was the low number of follies I had this time and that they were different sizes which echoed my previous thoughts.
Anyway, she did the scan and as I thought, there was evidence I'd ovulated. There were only 3 follies left of various sizes so we didn't proceed.
She apologised profusely, explained that the delay was due to another surgery thst had gone awry and said they'd give me another nhs cycle and discount this one and they'd have a meeting to discuss when to proceed and if different drugs should be used as I was a poor responder this time.
While I was disappointed, I felt strangely relieved. Since last year's miscarriage I have fully applied myself to being a pure vessel ready to carry our child. I changed every element of my life and put such massive restraints upon myself that I have not been enjoying life and clearly it didn't work. I can't live like "oo, I can't use that shampoo/product, it has phalates in... I can't use that container, it's made with BPA, no thanks, I won't have a piece of birthday cake or a glass of wine with my Christmas dinner"... All the DHEA and other supplements - Meh!
So after the hospital we went for lunch and I had my first 2 glasses of wine in an age and a good cry. I promised dh that I would try to be the girl he met again, the carefree, vivacious free spirit who was so alive. That I'd lose the weight I'd put on and be semi-attractive and photogenic again because every photo I've had since this journey began shows an empty shadow -that I've lost something of myself - lost my identification with myself as feminine, womanly and sexy because I can't perform as a woman so I've become a shell on autopilot waiting to regain that identity through pregnancy.
I felt desperate to be free, to dance, let go and stop infertility monopolising every ounce of my life.
So I've decided to start living again. To have the occasional glass of wine and piece of cake, to use lovely normal hair products thst actually make my hair look good instead of chemical free ones that make me look like a mad old hippy. To go out dancing, and to reconnect with my core self.
Yes I'm disappointed it hasn't worked for us this time, but more importantly it's helped me realise that this shadow existence is unhealthy for me and that perhaps it is this lack of pure joy and freedom that is preventing pregnancy.
As I'd ovulated, we came home and ttc and again yesterday but not in the desperate for it to work way but in a freer, happy to just be intimate way. I had progesterone pessaries left from last cycle so started using them again - what will be will be ey!
I'm definitely taking a more casual approach to ttc which will help my mental state and may just help us to conceive.
Now to get back to the girl who'd regularly say - "life is great!" I'm going to start living it again. Xx π
Ps, deeply sorry for this mahoosive stream of consciousness style rant but thank you for being my counsellors whoever could bear to read past the first paragraph. And the surgery story wasn't meant for scare - mongering, I guess with any surgery there's risks and the occasional person is unlucky but I'm sure that sort of thing doesn't happen very often so please don't be put off!
Hope your journeys are all going well.
Big luck and love to one and all xxxx