Morning ladies
So unfortunately yesterday I had my cycle cancelled. Day 12 lining was 6.6mm then Day 14 7.2mm
Then yesterday (d17) I went for the scan and at first the fertility nurse said my lining was 10.4mm - yay! But then she rescanned and said she made a mistake and wasn’t sure and thought it was 6mm. Anyway long story short, took several scans and the clinical team reviewed together and settled on 6.6mm. So cancelled the cycle.
I totally understand that it’s not worth risking a precious embryo when the womb isn’t ideal. I’ve got my head around that. And my consultant will give me a new drug protocol which will hopefully be better.
But I have to wait until January now 😢. And my EC was at the end of summer so just feels so long, especially after having had to wait because of COVID and the first lockdown after my previous failed cycle.
And to top it off in the same sentence as telling me they were cancelling my cycle I was also informed that I now need to pay additional fees to cover all the scans - which would have been included if they were going ahead.
Just rubbish 😢
Anyway nothing I can do now. I’m going to start a pre-Christmas detox as my body feels horrible after the progynova, then have a few Christmas indulgences and start January again
Thanks for all your support xx