Hi ladies
Hope you are all ok.
So I've made it to day ten without posting lol!
Our test day isnt until Monday when I've to go for blood test.
On our fresh cycle test day was 10dp5dt this time it is 13dp5dt and fet. Is it because it was a fet that the test day is later?
I crumbled last time and tested at day 8 as I'd also started bleeding. Still on constant knicker watch but touch wood, so far I've not seen anything. Is it the 3 x elleste estrogen and 2 x Pessaries that are keeping af away? Although last time I was only on one pessary / day so maybe that's why I bled early?
It's so hard not testing again, I've had the odd cramp (nothing major) and (.) (.) are a bit sore but again nothing major and just going a bit stir crazy! After bleeding last time I'm dreading seeing anything but then I read about implantation bleeding and now worried thinking I should have had this?
Went to sainsburys yesterday and bought a pack of 2 clear blue tests... they are sitting taunting me!
Could I test on Sunday do you think when oh is home so at least I'm not on my own on Monday waiting for the call?
What do you all think? Is 12 days long enough after fet to get a reliable result?
Holly xx