Now that I've started to get my head around our loss, I'm starting to think about moving forward and trying again. Bleeding from my early miscarriage lasted around 4/5 days. I'm just wondering when I'm likely to have a period. Will it be a month or will it just come any time? And is there any reason why we couldn't do a FET after one period? We have a holiday in 10 days and would be really nice to come back relaxed and rested and ready to go again x
Period after a miscarriage - Fertility Network UK
Period after a miscarriage

Sorry to hear about your loss, Kitcat. I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks a couple of months ago and my period arrived exactly 28 days later. This will obviously vary for everyone.
I was told I needed to wait 3 cycles before going again. I did push this and they finally said they’d let me go again after 2. It just so happens this falls over Christmas when they’re closed so we’re going for 3 cycles after all. Again, every clinic is different so it’ll be worth giving them a call.
For now, enjoy your break. You very much deserve it xx
Thank you, I'm very sorry to hear you've also experienced a loss. It's encouraging to hear that your cycle returned to normal fairly quickly. I'm hopeful that the same is true for me. I wonder why they wanted you to wait, I can't see any reason why we would need to wait, just want to get going x
Sorry for your loss. Your period will usually return 4-6 weeks after your miscarriage. My clinic allowed me to go again after one period but I think some clinics want more of a wait between cycles. Enjoy your holiday xx
My next period came clock like, it was painful tghough as I had it all remained tissue to realise (sorry for tmi). After that period all got back to normal with my cycles as were before!
Have a lovely holiday and good luck next time round!
I recently had a miscarriage at 9 weeks and mine returned after 7 weeks. My clinic have said it’s fine to go for a FET with the first cycle after a miscarriage, although I have a cyst which is delaying it. Hope you can start again quickly if that’s what you want x
So sorry for you loss. After my twelve week miscarriage my period came pretty much 28 days after. My clinic allowed us to go after one period. Sending love xx
Sorry to hear of your loss.After my miscarriage at 5 weeks I bled for around 5 day’s my period came back as normal every 28 day’s sending lots of love 💗 Xxx
My clinic usually say leave it 1-3 months. I got pregnant straight away after my miscarriage bleeding, didn’t wait for a period. I miscarried again though. My periods are usually back regular after a miscarriage though xx
Sorry you've had to go through this multiple times, can imagine how difficult that must be. We aren't likely to get pregnant naturally, so I suppose it's down to the clinic and how long they want us to wait x
Hi my periods return 28 aswel after both mc I ovulated 3 days after bleeding stopped then got period 14 days later
Hi, after my first miscarriage my period came after 4 weeks. My most recent one it was about 5 and a half weeks.
Hope you are ok xxx
Hi Kitcat, I had to wait for 3 cycles before I could book in my FET,this is what my clinic advised xx

Thank you, and can I ask did they explain why they wanted you to wait? x
They said that it gives your body time to recover, I wanted to book for as soon as possible but glad I waited the 3 months as I was stronger mentally.
How you are doing ok xx

Ok, that seems fair. Mentally maybe I need to take the time to get my head round it x
I found that I felt really anxious leading up to it this time and I think that could have potentially been worse if I had done it sooner but I know everybody is different and I did schedule in Dec with the clinic so that I had something to aim towards and concentrate my efforts on x
Hope not how!
Mine came about a week late, it started with spotting and a week later I had a full period for about a day and a half. It’s then been spotting since - today is 14th day since spotting began and it’s still going on.
I don’t know if that’s normal, I don’t feel unwell at all - I’m going to do FET in the new year - or I may just do a whole new cycle seeing as I’ve only got one embie frozen and the cost isn’t that much different.
Sorry to hear of your loss, I know how it feels xx
Hi Kitcat
So sorry you had to go through this MC
I'm glad you'll be get away for a holiday to recover.
As others have said the first cycle or two can be a bit unpredictable after a MC
However without sounding crude or insensitive there is a general thinking that you are also quite fertile after IVF /MC/ recent pregnancy too.... So might be worth checking ovulation anyway through the next cycle and enjoy TTC naturally !
If you have unexplained fertility it may not be anything more than that.
Without getting your hopes up it has happened to people I know and on this forum - didn't want you missing out on any chances xx
We will certainly have a go at enjoying trying naturally. It might be nice to have a month off thinking about treatment or injections or scan appointments. We haven't had actual sex for about 2 months inbetween treatment, early pregnancy and miscarriage.
I can imagine - I' too scared to be intimate during tww due to cramps etc even though I know it's safe.
It will be nice to relax about it without having to worry about abstaining or scheduling it!
Really hope the best for you XXX
I had medical management on the 9th November and I’m still waiting on my period. My clinic wanted to wait for me to have 2 periods but also said there is no evidence that it is better to wait so have agreed I can start from my next period. It will be a long medicated FET with down regulation x

Sorry to hear this! And best of luck for your FET x
My periods have always returned about 4/5 weeks after the miscarriages were completely over, so not that far off course really.. however, my clinic ask for three bleeds between treatments so the miscarriage bleed (or withdrawal bleed after a bfn) then two more bleeds afterwards. Many clinics seem to differ on that though. I hope you enjoy your holiday. Sorry again for your loss xx