BFN on FET cycle. This was my OTD But it's 10 days so it feels really early? Shouldn't it be 14 days to test? It's way too early to ring the clinic. Only like 4.50 (I desperately needed to pee and couldn't wait any longer) so I guess I'll ring them when they open
Has anyone ever gotten a BFN testing in day 10 of an FET and then got a bfp after waiting a few days? Or should I accept that our last chance hasn't worked?
This was pretty much our last shot as we can't afford to do this again.
Called clinic and they say since I haven't bled continue my meds and test again in 2 days. But she said it's unlikely to change. Gutted to be honest and feel like I'm just barely holding it together at work but don't want to go home either and see the look on my husband's face. I really thought I was ok. I mean obviously I wanted it to work but I thought I could handle it if it didn't but I just feel like I've let my husband and daughter down and that's it there is no money for any more tries. I don't even know what to do. Don't want to be here but don't want to go home either.