hey all
I’m new here. Hope everyone is having as good as day as possible.
I wrote an essay below but the crux of my question is:
But has anyone got a list of top tips for dealing with bloating ? Either reducing it or working with it?
I’m 43 with 2 kids and was diagnosed with endo when I was 26. Had a rough ride initially with multiple surgeries for minimal (but painful!) lesions. A course of zoladex was horrendous but I tried it.
After having my kids I tried to prolong the suppression of periods (as advised) by breastfeeding as long as I could and then using the IUD. This worked so well and I was symptom free for a few years.
Now the symptoms have returned (IUD removed and couldn’t get a replacement for a year) even with a new IUD and my symptoms are present despite the IUD in for a few months now. I know it can take ages.
But I’m puzzled as I don’t remember this much bloating. My endo had been in my cervix, bladder and my rectum (leading to painful bowel down attacks). Bloating is awful and so sore. I’m concerned endo has spread as I’ve not been scanned in 2 years and last lap was in 2009.
Is there a connection between severity or location of endo and blowing?
back in 2022 I did have a TVS which showed varicose veins over uterus and ovaries. I took that to be PCS but the gynae was uninterested. I need to get referred to a specialist I think.
Does anyone have tips for managing bloat? I had been avoiding constipation (not very successfully) so have doubled down on diet but it’s hard when trying to feed a fussy family (autistic) and I’m shattered all the time. I’m on laxido as had been avoiding codeine due to constipation. But now see I need the pain relief too much.
I’m trying to be as regimented as I can but I feel sick with the bloating. It reminds me of pregnancy as the belly is often quite firm. I’m stiff when walking as a result of the bloat and pain. I’m gonna bite the bullet and by larger trousers.
But has anyone got a list of top tips for dealing with bloating? Either reducing it or worrying with it?
I’d be so grateful for any help. X 🌷
Ps my autocorrect seems to want to change bloating to blowing. Not sure what that says about me!? 🤣