Endo and bloating/ swelling tummy - any h... - Endometriosis UK

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Endo and bloating/ swelling tummy - any helpful tips?

Faye_Craig1 profile image
14 Replies

Hey one of the main symptoms of my endo is constant bloating and a swollen tummy. I tend to suffer quite a lot from constipation with my endo as it has affected my pelvic floor muscles, which therefore don't always relax for a bowel movement and I can often get trouble with complete evacuation too. I always thought this was the main reason for my bloating but even when I feel relatively empty or eat well my bloating and swelling never really seems to ease. I have it mainly from breakfast to bedtime, the only time it isn't really there is when I wake up in the morning before I eat and that is only if I am not that constipated either. I am only 2 weeks from my first laparoscopy and haven't properly started the endo diet yet, but was on low fodmap diet at the start of the year when they thought I just had IBS and that seems to cut the same sorts of things from your menu as the endo diet but my symptoms never really changed back then. However that was also before I was diagnosed and being treated for endo. I have tried probiotics and I don't eat bread, pastry, pasta etc and am lacto free at the moment too as it is but nothing has helped so far. Does anyone have this same issue or is there any advice for easing it at all? I never seem to be able to wear jeans or certain trousers and I always feel pregnant!

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Faye_Craig1 profile image
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14 Replies
KLouiseH26 profile image

Hi :) I have the same issue and I always feel embarrassed putting on clothing that clings to me too much incase people think I'm pregnant and I genuinely don't like looking at myself in the mirror either. I have constant bloating, I have found that taking regular baths helps release some wind. Don't have it too hot and try to relax, you may find during or after you release some of that compressed air and feel at least a little bit more comfortable. Hope you start feeling better soon xx

Faye_Craig1 profile image
Faye_Craig1 in reply to KLouiseH26

Hey thanks so much I have never thought of baths before so I will give them a try. I hate looking in the mirror too and feel self conscious all the time - let alone jeans I don't think I could ever touch a bodycon dress xx

marzy31 profile image

I was diagnosed with stage 4 endo mainly in the bowel area at 22 and am now 39. I have suffered with terrible bloating also. The only solution I have ever found is to cut out bread though having said that I can get away with 2 small brown slices of bread a day. I have been tested for wheat and glutten problems but both were fine. Its worth a try worked for me. Cut out all bread for a week see if it helps. X

Faye_Craig1 profile image
Faye_Craig1 in reply to marzy31

Thanks will give that a go too x

texasbamagirl profile image
texasbamagirl in reply to marzy31

Are you watching just bread, or all gluten?

moomoo8 profile image



I bought one of these a couple of weeks ago they are supposed to really help your pelvic floor by aligning your pelvis in the correct position for a number 2!! so less pressure etc. They come in different heights depending on your loo size! If you watch the video on the second link it explains how it's supposed to help!



Might be worth a go?

Take Care xx

Faye_Craig1 profile image
Faye_Craig1 in reply to moomoo8

Ah yes my doc recommended squatting but I have been struggling with a pile of yellow pages at the moment so think I will definitely upgrade to one of these. Thanks so much for this I definitely think it will help xx

moomoo8 profile image
moomoo8 in reply to Faye_Craig1

You are welcome! :)

Squatty Potty.... the name makes me cringe / chuckle. ;) You can get wooden ones etc. too but I think they would stand out like a sore thumb! xx

Faye_Craig1 profile image
Faye_Craig1 in reply to moomoo8

Haha yeh and plastic ones are probably lighter and easier to clean too! xx

missendo profile image

Hi, my endo experience is similar to marzy...

I defiantly would agree with her on avoiding carbs as this has helped me and recently I've tried green tea from the endo diet, I think this also helps with digestion! Hey, any things worth a go, right? Good luck x

Faye_Craig1 profile image
Faye_Craig1 in reply to missendo

I would never have thought of green tea thanks. I recently ordered the endo diet book so am going to start with that when it arrives. I always thought I was intolerent to something at first but as soon as I eat some sort of carb the bloating always gets even worse than normal - this includes pasta, pizza, bread, rolls and cakes. Does anyone know why these sorts of foods affect endo sufferers by the way? Xx

la_beth profile image

A few things that have helped me (and apologies if they are things you already do)

1) a footstool for the toilet - when you sit to have a poo, it gives your body a better position to help evacuate your bowels if you are in a sort of squatting position.

2) Maternity trousers - my friend who has crohns disease gave me this tip, as she has the same bloating and swelling tummy issues. I'm also a fan of the floating trousers (which tend to have elasticated waists), dresses with leggings.

3) Eating little and often. Sometimes my bloating comes from not having eaten, the acid builds up and makes my stomach sore and swollen.

4) Lying almost at a 45 degree angle with a soft cushion under my stomach helps release gas

5) Ginger tea

I have to say that on the food front, cutting out carbs actually made my problem worse as I ended up with diarrhoea instead. I need to have a really good balance of fruits, veg and carbs. I find that the less acidic fruits like berries are better, and carbs are fine when they are wholeweat and not things like baked potatoes, white bread, pasta etc. Making sure I drink lots of water during the day also seems to help - when I don't drink enough I tend to suffer more from tiredness and constipation. Same if I've not had any gentle exercise - although I don't feel like it, getting up and going for a walk often helps in keeping everything moving.

And sleep. If I get sleep deprived I end up with lots of tummy issues.

1Tia1A profile image

Hello Faye! I have many of the same issues that you mentioned in your list in addition to numerous other issues affecting my stomach. Even prescribed pain medication did not help and I stopped taking it all together irather than allowing the dosage to be increased. I came across "Castor Oil Packs" on the You Tube. Basically you soak gauz in 100% pure castor oil and apply it to your stomach (right side) use plastic to keep the pack close to the body and your clothing/bed linen clean. I have added my own steps as well and it has alleviated or greatly reduced the swelling, pain, fullness etc. This may sound a bit unsavory but, I had to do something to keep my body feeling half way decent in order to remain active. I took a small piece of gauze 1×1 inch soakedbin the castor oil placed apiece PARTIALLY into my rectum and another piece into my vagina. Using a heating pad/hot water bottle on the stomach is optional. By morning, the severe swelling and pain is almost always gone. I now do this every night and seldom experience these symptoms. I also take "Blackseed Oil and "Indian Gooseberry" daily". The combination has kept me active aand painfree. I order bulk quantity from eBay. I recommend that you speak with your doctor first about what I mentioned in this message and please consider checking it out on you tube. I am not a doctor but, this has given me great faith in natural remedies. My own doctor is amazed. 😊 May God bless you, my friend, and I pray that you feel better.

MrsDuvet profile image

Hi fellow 'Faye', I too suffer predominantly with bloating and a really heavy feeling in the lower abdomen. Without being too crude, it feels as though you need to pass something the size of a melon but then the discomfort and bloating can sometimes improve without even passing anything at all! I am 42 and suffered with very heavy, painful periods all my life. I was diagnosed with coeliac disease around 4 years ago and I then thought perhaps that all my previous symptoms had been due to that, but a couple of years ago, I started getting awful pains, cramping, passing blood clots during menstruation etc. and ( following a laparoscopy) was found to have endometriosis and a 7cm endometrioma on one ovary. Having a coil fitted has helped my pain enormously and having little to no period is life-changing. However, the permanent bloating a heavy feeling I have most of the time now is so draining! Being a woman sucks! X

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