I had my Mirena coil removed today after having it for 4 years, during my colposcopy appointment. I just want to be hormone free for a little while and give my body a break after being on contraception for over 10 years.
The coil stopped my periods completely so I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about the return of a monthly bleed and increase in pain as I remember how bad this was but want to give my body the opportunity to regulate naturally.
I had the most awful appointment with the doctor, who really tried to put me off of making this decision, constantly asking if I was sure and reiterating that my endo will come back and my pain will be really bad and that I’ll be worse off. She asked me 6 times why I wanted it removed and just wouldn’t listen to my reasoning! She still went ahead and removed it, but it has made me really doubt my decision and caused such an increase of anxiety😢 I’m already anxious to see what it’s like but she really didn’t help! It wasn’t my usual colposcopy consultant and she definitely would’ve been more supportive.
How long did it take for everyone’s periods to come back / return to normal? What can I expect over the next few days, weeks, months?
If it is horrendous, I plan to give it around 6 months and if it is unbearable, I will have the Mirena reinserted but I just wanted to see how my body is with a break, having natural hormones rather than synthetic after spending so long with some form of contraception for over 10 years.
Is anyone in a similar position and now hormone free? How is it?
I just need some reassurance to alleviate this anxiety of potentially making the wrong decision😢