Hi there,I've searched existing posts and can't find the advice I'm looking for. I wondered if anyone can advise me on the effects on mood of having the mirena coil fitted? I understand the point of it is to reduce bleeding and pain. I'm having laporoscopy in January to remove endometriomas and anything else they may find but the consultant keeps suggesting the mirena coil. What's making me hesitate is the only time I had a progesterone contraceptive was the implant and I hated how it made me feel. I'm not taking any hormones and every month about 5 days before my period I get a severe low mood. I mean extreme. For a few days. Always at this time. Does anyone know/understand what the effect of the mirena coil would be on this hormone-related mood swing? Or any other advice on hormones/mood for that matter...?
Mirena coil and mood: Hi there,I've... - Endometriosis UK
Mirena coil and mood

Hi! I’m sure it varies from person to person but for me I found that when I initially had my mirena fitted, for about 4days or so each month, my mood really dropped (and I mean extremely so!) Before having the mirena, I’d sometimes have slight dips in my mood leading up to my period, but these were really heightened with the coil.
These days of extreme drop in my mood continued for about a year I’d say and now, I’ll get it once in a while but much less often. What I found tricky was that I didn’t have a period as such with the mirena, so the dips in mood came on so unexpectedly (whereas before I’d be able to predict when they’d be based on when my period was due).
But honestly I’ve read about lots of people where it didn’t affect them at all so I really think it varies so much. Ultimately I’d say give it a go and you can always reassess things based on how you feel once it’s fitted!
Not sure if it's any help but I've had five coils in now and have not noticed it effects my mood at all. But I know lots of people worry about that. If you have it put in under some sort of anaesthesetic obvs you don't feel it and once you've given it time to settle it's very easy to have removed and pain free. So it's perhaps worth a go.
Hi, I used the Mirena Coil some years ago, it addressed the symptoms had in relation to the cyst I had. However, I developed depression and anxiety. I will never use it again! Once I had it removed I recovered very quickly. At the time everyone told me that as the hormones released from the coil worked locally around the uterus it could not give the same symptoms as other hormonal medication. Eventually I found information about a group of women who suffered exactly the symptoms as I did. For me it was awful however, there are alot of very positive stories about the mirena. I would say unless you try it you will not know but be mindful to track your moods and the symptoms. Good luck!
The progesterone in the marina coil is only meant to stay localised but it is not bio identical. Might be useful to listen to episode 227 of the Dr Louise Newson podcast as the conversation explains a little about types of marina coil and how Nelson’s 21 yo daughter uses the coil and is also topping up oestrogen with small dose hrt to counter low moods and migraine linked to the days before her period. To answer your question though, at least with a coil if you don’t like it you can have it removed. Some people are more sensitive to Progesterone than others- I’m one of them and low moods can really affect quality of life, which some doctors just don’t appreciate.
Hiya, I have stage4 endo since 2018.
I had my excision of endo in 2019. Was also persuaded to have coil but was reluctant.
After covid, my endo had flared up and I decided to go for the coil Feb of 2022. It was unpleasant procedure, but bearable with paracetamol. Since last yr my endo pain has made huge difference. Period/spotting stopped. No bowel or uterus pain. I suffer from migraine that has reduced a lot. Espesh the time of the month period where I would normally get a migraine episode for the week. I will remove coil once I decide to have a family but for now it is helping me with flare up and also saving my egg count.
Wish you all the best. x
Hallo , I've put a Mirena coil 45 days ago during a laparoscopy, convinced effects would be local, but started having light anxiety and low mood, low libido, sleepiness and weight gain (due to water retention, it seems). I am thinking of removing it. Apart from that.: Mirena is usually NOT indicated for people with endometriomas! Look for information about it.
Follow @drmauricioabrao on instagram. Endo specialist. He operated me, excellent. Brazilian, ex-president of endometriosis and minimal surgery societies, on the Stanford list of most influential scientists. Post in portuguese and English.
I have. The mirena my mood is a lot better than when I had the implant . The implant made me suicidal so I had it taken out. The only thing I would say is if you don’t already have children I would be weary of having the coil as sometimes it can imbed in your womb. As I was down the out of hours every single month not being able to stand and walk in my twenties I did have the coil as the out of hours doctor said it would help. It help with the bleeding but I still get a lot of pain. But as others have said everyone is different so our bodies take things differently . Hope this helps. A little .
Hey hun! I’ve been recommended the coil as well with my surgery but I’m declining. I’m currently on no birth control but that makes my periods extremely heavy and excruciating pain.
However I’ve been on birth control 9 years; implant, pill, pill AND implant, injection and all them are bloody horrible for my mood!!! Not only do they not stop my bleeding and other symptoms but honestly I feel an empty shell on them. I hate it!
I bleed more frequent on birth control (3/4 weeks) but not heavy and painful so people don’t understand why I’m going through heavy and painful periods instead of birth control but I can’t explain it, it’s the worst thing.
It’s really difficult when everyone advises you birth control but I’m staying to what I know and know my body best. Ok maybe the coil might be an improvement but I personally can’t face testing it. I would do what you think is best for you and what you can face, please don’t feel forced xxx