I have a lap next week and starting to overthink it a little. I have a pre op in several days so I know I can ask more then but wanted to know people's experiences with mirena coil. I'm 21 and only been on the pill and mini pill to try to ease endo symptoms but they've not done a great job of preventing heavy bleeds in particular. I've been asked if I'd consider the mirena coil which they'd put in during the lap but I've always been very unsure about it. I have suffered with low moods and depression before so one of my biggest concerns is it's effect on moods. Another thing I've heard mixed things on is it causing more irregularities in bleeding etc. I know everybody is different but would like to hear people's thought on this.
Upcoming surgery, feeling nervous and now... - Endometriosis UK
Upcoming surgery, feeling nervous and now have more questions. Mirena coil experiences?

everyone is different you are right. I personally did not have a good experience with it. It made my periods more painful and I just didn’t stop bleeding. My mood wasn’t the best on it but I think that was more to do with the pain and constant bleeding. Personally I would never have it again but that is just because my body did not agree with it. I would suggest doing some research around it, if you have anyone close to you that has it then ask them about their experiences as well I hope the op goes well
I was the same as you and didn’t know if I should have the mirena fitted during surgery - I decided to do it as I wouldn’t have to experience it going in (as they do it when you’re under GA) and if it didn’t work for me I could take it out.
That was over a year ago now and I do find it’s working well for me personally! The first few months weren’t great but it did take time to settle and I was still in recovery from surgery. I have little to no bleeding except for the odd occasion but this does follow a cycle.
Before the mirena I was on the combined pill for 10 years and stopped taking that prior to surgery. I honestly feel more like me on the mirena in terms of mood and sex drive because I now actually have moods and a sex drive rather than just flat all the time from being on the pill.
I would say give it a go if you are unsure, as you can always get it taken out if it’s not working. It is a personal decision though as everyone’s experiences will be different ❤️
It’s not for everyone. My niece didn’t get on with it but for me it’s the best decision I ever made. It gave me my life back and I’m now on my third one. If you are going to have it, better to have it during the lap. Good luck x
It's been great for me too. It settled after 3 months and I've not bled since. I'm now on my second in 7 years. Don't get me wrong it hasn't taken away all of the pain but the horrific menstral cramps disappeared and bladder pain/ urgency improved a lot.Taking it out didn't hurt but having it put in can be uncomfortable. I'd have it during surgery too.
Good luck x
Sorry to hear about what a rough time you’re having. The mirena made me bleed more frequently, but the bleeding was much less heavy. It took over 6 months to settle and did nothing for the pain. l’m now on the mini pill as well and both together have almost completely stopped the pain and bleeding. As you say - everyone reacts differently, but I would say that everything is worth a try. Coil affected my moods a bit while it was settling, but after 6 months they settled and now I’m on the pill too I feel emotionally level for the first time in a long time. I didn’t think I’d ever feel ok, but at long last something is working for me. So my advice is don’t give up and give the coil a go, try and leave it 6 months to settle if you can. We are limited with treatment options so unfortunately we really do need to persevere. I nearly gave up a few times at my lowest and if I had I wouldn’t be feeling ok now. Best of luck to you. Xxxxx
I should add that I’ve had some other unpleasant side effects from the specific pill I’m on Slynd (severe nausea and vomiting/hair thinning) but these don’t happen with every pill and are easing now I’m two months in. I’d rather sit tight and wait for them to pass than go back to daily pain and bleeding. Xx
I was in the exactly the same position as you. I had my laparoscopy a month and a half ago but decided not to get the mirena coil put in at the same time as I felt that I wanted to know what was going on with my body post-op.
However, that was with the mind that I had endometriosis and they didn’t find any but found adenomyosis instead which can only be managed hormonally. So, I actually regretted not getting it placed during the op.
A couple of weeks ago I actually got the mirena coil put in with my GP (found the process absolutely painless which shows everyone is different!).
So in hindsight I should have just gotten it during the op but it wasn’t the end of the world that i didn’t as i had more information about my diagnosis to make an informed decision about getting it put in afterwards.