I have stage 4 endo (DIE), frozen pelvis, bilateral tubo-ovarian complex so endo through tubes, bowel endo and distortion of the parametrial and cardinal ligaments. And adenomyosis (diffuse and focal).
The ovaries are kissing and described as
'right hand side tubo-ovarian endometriotic complex extends in to the POD measuring maximally 73mm
left ovary contains numerous endometriomas measuring up to 27mm'
This will be my first surgery and he has suggested - removal of endo, undo-ing adhesions, removing cysts on both ovaries (with a potential of having one removed), removal of tubes and a potential bowel resection.
I'm a little bit confused if both of my ovaries class as being diseased as it was my understanding they would have to take both if so. Another scan referred to the rh ovary as being substantially enlarged and containing a cyst but he hasn't mentioned this.
My appointment felt rushed and it didn't seem like he'd fully read my notes so I'm feeling uncertain and I'm really keen not to have multiple surgeries as fertility isn't an issue. When I mentioned adenomyosis he had to re-read my notes and then said 'oh yes' and mentioned they may pop a coil in for me and that was that.
Is it enough for me to just be having the cysts off the ovaries and retaining them in this situation?