Hi all -
Please can you have a look at my MRI findings below. Any help on other people's experiences or what my surgery/treatment pathway might look like I would really appreciate it.
I'm trying to decide whether I should wait it out for NHS surgery and what that might look like or bite the bullet for private as I'm concerned about potentially leaving this 18 months to progress.
I have now been signed off from my general gynae as he's put a referral in to BSGE clinic due to what he's stated as substantial bowel involvement and extensive active DIE
Thanks so much
- Mild to moderate adenomyosis
-Both ovaries retracted medially and tethered to a shallow plaque on uterine torus (kissing ovaries)
- Involvement of distal sigmoid colon with tethering to the ovaries and posterior fundus
- Short segment serosal plaque along mesenteric margin on the distal sigmoid colon (approx 27mm)
- Bilateral tubo-ovarian endometriotic complex which form a horseshoe shape in the POD
- Right side complex extends into POD to left of midline measuring 73mm
- Left ovary numerous endometriomas measuring up to 27mm
-Small hydrosalpinx/fluid between both ovaries
- Cardinal ligament and parametrium distortion
- Mild tethering of mi sigmoid colon to uterine fundus
- Small simple cyst in right adnexa and a small pocket of fluid in between uterus and left pelvic sidewall