Hi all -
I'm just wondering if anyone can advise further on what the likely next steps and/or treatments may be in my situation?
I've had a private scan which has said: likely adenomyosis (focal and diffuse), bilaterial endometriomas - 4x5cm endometrioma on right side and smaller one on left side, ovaries kissing, involvement of fallopian tubes giving the appearance of a tubo-ovarian complex (1 with hydrosalpinx and other with possible haemotosalpinx) and ovary adherent to the uterosacral ligaments and posterior uterine serosa.
I have gone gluten-free to try and manage symptoms and researching now anything that could help.
I'm currently waiting for my NHS appointment in a month but it's just with a general gynae and not a BGSE so I'm thinking of asking for a referral there?
Will they be inclined to look at more invasive surgery? I'm just trying to get my head around possible options.
Edited to add - I’m 40 and have two teenagers so I’m not looking to maintain or improve fertility.
Thanks so much.