I have daily pain throughout any stage of my cycle all day everyday. I recently started taking codeine and amitriptyline when it got to point I couldn't cope anymore. This was about 3 weeks ago. It doesnt remove the pain its still bad but takes a small edge off sometimes and I figure I needed to give it a full month. Anyway, my period arrived Thursday I was bed bound for 3 days the pain so bad nothing touches it burning sharp stabbing 247 in my pelvic my thighs my lower stomach back just so bad to point of vomiting dizziness the full works. Blood clots, bowel accidents just a lot. I've been very emotional today about it all. I tried coming downstairs and had to just sit midway because of the pain.
Is it acceptable for me to request something else stronger so soon and does anyone have a stronger pain killer during period week? I was hoping I could speak to doctor and request a stronger one for when I need it. I don't enjoy taking medication but I need to be prepared for these days I just can't function. I can take lower pain meds and tolerate the pain but this level I can't and it's going to just be this way every month until surgery.