Hi everyone, this is my first post and reading others seems I am in the right place to discuss these issues with others who know exactly what I am going through. Others, even close friends, I think at times just dont get it...
From what I read others too have had a long long road to diagnosis and treatment....here is my story.
I found a lump in my stomach in September 2019, I had noticed pain in that area for a while, particularly after exercise but nothing I could feel. I discussed with my doctor and finally had an MRI scan in April 2020....I had also experienced severely heavy painful periods at this time.
My scan was smack in the middle of lockdown (I remember my ex reporting me to Court for having my mum watch my young daughters to attend hospital 🙄..but that's a whole other story). I was home from the scan for 1 hour when my GP called to say he was referring me to a 'rare' Sarcoma specialist.....
After a very stressful 3 week wait I took a call from the consultant (no FTF due to Covid) who listened to my history (2 c-sections / painful periods) and diagnosed a 2.5cm x 3.1cm endometrioma in my left rectus abdominal muscle (which I read is quite rare). In addition previous scans had also noted more scattered Endo which appeared to be fused to my sigmoid colon (also fibroids and cysts on my ovary)
Due to what has felt like ridiculously long NHS wait times I finally had a laparoscopy in Oct 23, no significant issues with fusion of Endo and a plan for Zoladex to deal with the Abdominal Wall Endo (AWE). As I was peri-menopausal I was also prescribed oestrogen only HRT.
After 5 months of Zoladex the pain became unbearable in the lump and my GP sent me for another US and asked Gynae to bring forward my Aug24 review.
So US and CT scans now show the lump has grown 5.3cm x 4.9cm and my Gynae, some 4 years since diagnosis, is using words like 'suspected' endometriosis?!? To say I am scared is an under statement, particularly as my list of symptoms is growing every week!
I saw Gynae last week who has advised that she will be doing a full hysterectomy (within 6 months) subject to how the Abdominal Surgeons want to prioritise a separate surgery to remove the lump....apparently although they 'suspect' AWE the surgeons may choose to ignore that and treat as suspect and urgent 😔
What I am finding most difficult is the lack of urgency on anyones part.....Gynae confirmed lump could always have been suspect OR could have been innocent and turned suspect and yet weeks / months go by with no feedback 😌
Now waiting for MRI (5th June) and fingers are crossed.....sorry for the long post x