I just wanted to see if anyone has shared any similar experience with me, I’m feeling completely over this whole diagnosis process!!
I have had problems with my periods for 10 years (I am now 24) very heavy, extremely painful, severe pain down my right side, vomiting, near passing out etc. I also have pain during sex and bleeding after sex, sorry if TMI!! I have been hospitalised with the pain before and still it has taken this long to be referred.
I finally got referred to gynae 4 months ago and they started zoladex and tibolone. I am about to have my fourth zoladex injection but I have been bleeding every single day for the whole 3 months that I have been on zoladex!!!! I’m exhausted. I saw my gynae last week and she didn’t have much to say apart from carry on with the injections... I had to beg her to do more tests so now I am awaiting scans and MRI. The doctors refuse to do a cervical smear, they refuse to even consider any possibility of cancer because they say it’s rare for my age... The bleeding can be light but it’s also heavy some days with clots. Anyone else had this on zoladex?
I could go on and on about all the problems and how much of a nightmare this has been so far but trying to keep this short!
They hoped by trying zoladex for 3 months they’d get an idea of whether I have endo but to be honest, the doctor now looks even more confused by my persistent bleeding and can’t give me any straight answers about anything.