Hi everyone. I had my first prostap injection 3 weeks ago as told I would have no bleeding. Yesterday I started spotting with some stomach ache. Not terrible but frustrating as the purpose of this injection was to stop my bleeding. How long does bleeding last as due full hysterectomy possibly September. Would be grateful for any input because if I'm going to suffer periods on the injection there's no point of having it really as defeats the purpose of having
Prostap injection: Hi everyone. I had my... - Endometriosis UK
Prostap injection

I too had this issue both on zoladex and prostap. Medically it isn’t an issue as it can happen so it doesn’t mean there is anything wrong or it’s caused anything. On a physical and personal level it’s sooooo annoying! I was on zoladex for 14 months and it stopped working so I was changed to prostap. I bled constantly for 7 months and then they performed a total hysterectomy last October. I had a large plaque of endometriosis on my bowel that stuck to my womb, the bowel was cut to free everything and a colostomy operation performed to save my life. They also said I had multiple ovarian cysts and a “ bumpy” womb. This they said was the reason I could never carry a pregnancy, after 30 years and way too late they finally get the reason for all the miscarriages and ectopic pregnancy. This disease is unbelievable to deal with at times hope you get some help and support good luck for September
hi, I’m on my 1st prostrap injection too, on 8th day, no period but the pains and the nausea, dizziness is pretty bad, did u get all this as well please?
I've had period type stomach ache pretty much the whole time I've been on it but so disappointed to start bleeding after just 3 weeks. Especially when they tell you its to stop the bleeding. If I'd of known I was going to bleed anyway I wouldn't have bothered with it to be fair.
Hi, I was told it was pretty normal to have spotting or a small bleed in the first month, as the injection overstimulates the ovaries before shutting them down. I had some spotting the first month and then it settled. Hopefully it will settle for you too

Hi. Unfortunately I've woken up to a messy bed so alot more than spotting for me. Hopefully it won't last too many days as I feel I'm getting no further forward
Hi i had three weeks of bleeding /spotting with the first one, then in February I had another three weeks of spotting and in the first day of the three weeks a large clot came out sorry if tmi, but nothing apart from this. I've had 11 injections so far. Hope this helps x
Most women bleed heavily at first x
Hi my lovely, sorry to hear you ain't feeling well, but everyone reacts differently, when I had the prostap, my bleeding was basically spotting and no pains at all and only lasted about 2 weeks, but the fatigue and incontinence lasted almost a year till my hysterectomy which was 7 weeks ago... so about a few weeks ago I would say these symptoms (which were clearly brought on by this injection) lasted about 11 months... but everyone reacts differently, sorry I couldn't be more helpful 😞
Hi, the injection is designed to stimulates your ovaries at first so we do tend to bleed a lot in the first month. It really annoys me when doctors don't tell you this as this happens for most women. I hemorrhaged all day and night for a week and it tool around 6 weeks to really calm down. If you are taking normal HRT it can make the bleeding last longer as you're giving the body estrogen so be mindful of this. I'm not saying stop estrogen but just take enough to ward off menopause symptoms. You should start to feel better soon, but make sure you're not anaemic as this will make you feel awful so get some iron tablets from your doctors. If you can't cope with the blood get a course of tranexamic acid which will help you as it clots the blood so gives you a break for around 10 days. If you are young then your ovaries can put up a fight before shutting down and don't forget that zoladex is an implant and it runs out so you may find that you start bleeding again before your next one is due. You may also experience cramp. Be patient. When it works properly and you're not anaemic and you get your hormones balanced it can be an incredible drug that gives you your life back. You just have to manage it and look at it as one aspect of your treatment. The other side for me is my diet, sleep, stress management, exercise and supplements which all support you to make this treatment successful x good luck x
Does anyone else pay for there prostap injection as I didn't have to pay for my first one but the pharmacy tried to charge me today. Am I to pay or not. The doctors also do not tell you this either when putting you on treatment like this