I’m booked for my hysterectomy in August. I have had the 2nd prostap injection which should last for about 3 months. I’m having some bleeding and clotting at the moment. I feel so drained and low and fat! I’m not eating more than usual but I’m so bloated. Is this normal? Thanks
Prostap before hysterectomy : I’m booked... - Endometriosis UK
Prostap before hysterectomy

Hi PippaB1510, that sounds really unpleasant. I have now had 16 months on Prostap but the first few months were spent trying to alleviate the side effects, which were very similar to yours. My specialist put me on several types of HRT to try and combat side effects, and eventually we reached a reasonable balance point. I still get a lot of bloating though, and remember spending the first few months feeling like I'd aged 30 years. So yes, these sound just like Prostap side effects. I hope they wear off soon.

Thanks for replying, I know I’ve not got long until my op but ieach day seems so looong!! 16 months wow that’s a long time xx
Hopefully the operation will bring you relief. I am waiting to find out if my specialist wants to operate now as I'm still in pain with Prostap. She was hoping to keep me on the injections long term - up to ten years. I'm sore but better off than before the treatment, at least.
Have a chat with your doctor and see if there's anything they can do to relieve the symptoms you're getting. Even if it's just a week or so until your op you'll be more comfortable. I had to buy a load of new clothes in a bigger size thanks to the severe bloating. xx
Hi, I. I'm four weeks post TAH and myomectomy and still very bloated, I had 3 months of Prostap injections and the first two made me feel horrible, I was weepy, bad tempered, and tummy swelled so much. It will be worth it I'm sure for you so persevere. It's if you bleed excessively they need to know so if it's unusual for you then I'd ring your surgeons secretary and get a message to him7her. One bit of advice for post op is get yourself some big Bridget Jones knickers, if funds allow, proper post surgery support knickers for hysterectomy etc., really really help hold your tummy steady. I got some big normal knickers which were okay but three days ago I got the proper ones and the difference is very noticeable. Good luck with your op take it easy afterwards too, don't be pressured into doing anything you don't feel able to do without pain, you'll have a lot of stitches inside. My op went horribly wrong but only due to pre existing conditions.. I have at least 12 weeks to get back to relative normal for me😬boy am I bored stuck indoors lol. ❤️
All my knickers are big 😂 but I’ll get some proper post op ones - thanks. I hope the swelling goes soon o feel pregnant and it’s definitely worse as the day goes on. I’m dreading the recovery I get restless legs if I sit around. I hope you’re ok now after the complications. I’ve got a carribean cruise booked 7 weeks after my op so I’m determined to do as I’m told xx
Lovely! Lucky you😊 Hope you have a fab time🍹🌴. As long as you have good pain relief and take it easy you should be fine. My tummy swells so much im I
pumped up like an inflatable 😬 hurts and uncomfortable. Surgeon said it'll take a year to feel myself again size wise though I've lost over a stone since fibroid and hysterectomy bits removed. Patience I guess but easier said than done eh... All my pretty Summer clothes taunting me whilst I sit around in my big knickers 😂. After your op feel free to message me if you need to chat or vent. All the best, Sue x (oh, maybe take light wafer crackers or similar in with you as I couldn't face meals).
Thanks I’ll definitely be in touch! Peppermint tea and crackers will be coming with me. How long did they keep you in hospital? I’ve been advised I’ll probably have a vertical cut from my belly button. My nurse said I was riddled with fibroids after an internal scan and ultrasound and average is the size of a nectarine 😬 I’m still bleeding but I’ve not got cramps just a fluttery tummy. Xxx
I had a huge fibroid, bigger than a baby's head, so they cut me mid line about 2inches above my belly button, which is now awful in appearance but I've been opened 4 times same place so don't panic! Cut is down ti about 3inches below public line too... That upset me so much but was due to being rushed back in 3days later. The actual hysterectomy and myomectomy went well despite severe adhesions it was purely down to the bowel surgeon perforating my bowel and missing it that caused my awful time. I had first surgery 30th May, 2nd surgery 2nd June and stayed on high dependancy ward for 16 days! 😔. Its not usual for complications especially as you're having mid line open, it gives your surgeon a clear view and access 😊. My medical history is complicated so please don't worry 😊 if it had gone smoothly I was told 5-6 days then home. Maybe get a shower stool for at home too as you'll possibly feel wobbly, weak... and a side table for when you're sitting on your sofa etc., saves awkward painful bending etc., and sleep! Lots of it 😊x
Oh my word that’s awful, you been through hell and back again.........baby’s head 😬 ouch! Perforated bowel, want to cry for you xx Shower stool added to list, I’m a bath girl but know I’ll not be able to pull myself out! Do I need nighties I’m guessing pyjamas bottoms are going to be against the wound? Xxx
I feel like I've been through Hell tbh, had enough now, I'm on the list to have two spinal cord stimulators which involves invasive spinal surgery but decided I'm not going ahead, I feel my body has reached its limit so exploring different pain coping avenues, and upping the med dosage 🙄. ..... Definitely yes to nightdresses, my hubby nipped out and bought some as all my pj bottoms too painful, and you may be asked to use a hospital gown anyway afterwards depending on whether you have the open. It's easier for them to access your dressings etc., I found it quite chilly during the night too so maybe a cardigan😊. Glad you've got the stool ordered, I love my bubble baths and looking forward to my first one in a few weeks hopefully 😁. I'll be hogging the bathroom for at least an hour lol 😊. Xx