Hi ladies
Hopefully someone can help with this,I have multiple fibroids, endometriosis,adenomyosis and adhesions which cause extremely heavy periods, flooding/clots with a lot of accompanying pain.
I’ve had problems since my late 30s and now at 51 have decided to have a total hysterectomy.I saw a private consultant and my NHS gynaecologist, both recommended a total hysterectomy with 3/4 months of prostap to shrink everything down and stop bleeding pre op.
So after my 1st injection I had a very heavy 14 day period in the the last half of the month and had to take tranexamic acid to control it…which I hate as it really upsets my stomach and makes me feel rubbish.
Now halfway through the month after my 2nd injection I’ve been bleeding for about 9 days, it is a bit lighter than usual and without the pain I usually have.
I’m due my 3rd injection in about 11 days and at this rate will probably still bleed, aren’t these injections meant to stop bleeding? I was given the impression they would! I’m just really fed up with bleeding!!
Really interested to know if anyone else had this experience on Prostap? It seems impossible to get any decent information from the gynaecology dept at my hospital, one nurse told me it was normal and another said it wasn’t!
I’m not really having many other side affects apart from the occasional hot flush and insomnia.
Thanks in advance