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pregnancy and spotting

Angelsalt1 profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone

I am writing now because I am just panicking.

I had my stage4 endometriosis removed in march 2023 and was placed on zoladex for 6 months after. Completed my zoladex and went for IVF. We tested positive last week with 2 embryo transfer and this is our 3rd week in the pregnancy.

I spotted some dark red blood on day7 post IVF just for a day and it stopped. Last night which is one week later, I started spotting again and saw it while in the shower. I don’t have any abdominal pain or cramps at the moment but I am worried that I might be losing my baby.

Has anyone had such an experience and still didn’t lose the pregnancy? Also, if this is another harmless bleed, when should I expect this spotting to stop. I have also been working since the day I had my IVF and I have been getting stressed at work.

Can get 1 week sick leave for bed rest if I ask my Gp? Someone please help and respond as I am so nervous at the moment.

This is actually my second IVF journey. First time was when I was still on the waiting list for laparoscopy to remove endo. We miscarried at 8wks unfortunately. Now that endo is gone after surgery, I was thinking we would have a better chance to carry pregnancy to term.

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Angelsalt1 profile image
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17 Replies
16yearsofpainsofar profile image

You need to speak to a doctor, maybe someone at the IVF clinic. I don't have any experience of IVF and fertility drugs, but I didn't bleed during my pregnancy. The fertility experts will know and might bring you in for a scan. I hope all is well x

Angelsalt1 profile image
Angelsalt1 in reply to 16yearsofpainsofar

I tried to but this is the weekend and no one is available until Monday. Unfortunately, it’s looking like I have lost the baby because the spotting continued through the night.

I don’t know why I never seem to cross the first trimester. This is my 2nd ivf and this is the same way I lost the first one.

Can you please tell me what you did differently to help you carry your baby to term?

in reply to Angelsalt1

Hi Angel have you posted on fertility network uk? Hope you get some answers x

Angelsalt1 profile image
Angelsalt1 in reply to

Thank you for this idea. I have just joined the group

16yearsofpainsofar profile image
16yearsofpainsofar in reply to Angelsalt1

I am so so sorry to hear this. Do you have an out of hours doctor or walk in centre? I didn't have IVF or fertility drugs, but I was told I wouldn't ever get pregnant due to only ovulating a few times a year and had very low progesterone. One month I did and that's how I fell pregnant. Hopefully all is ok for you ❤️

Jcv83 profile image

I’m sorry you’ve had such a tough journey. Both my kids were ivf and I bleed for weeks with them both. Obviously everyone is different so definitely contact your ivf clinic for a scan. I was on clexane which I had to stop as that starts the bleeding. I really hope it works out for you!

Angelsalt1 profile image
Angelsalt1 in reply to Jcv83

My spotting started with dark red colour, then brown and lastly black on the second day with a bit of particles.

What did yours look like if I may ask?

Jcv83 profile image

sorry it was over 4 years ago so I can’t remember. All I know is the darker it is then the older it is. I wouldn’t try to guess anything until you contact your clinic.

I'm sorry to hear how tough things have been for you. I bled with both my (non IVF) pregnancies, the second one, quite heavily. I was even told at a 6 week scan when they couldn't find a heartbeat that I'd lost the baby by a particularly horrible sonographer. Luckily I had a very wise and experienced midwife who said let's just wait and see and scan you again in 2 weeks. Sure enough, heartbeat showed on the second scan. Bleeding continued all through first trimester with my second, about 2 weeks with my first. So my advice is try not to panic. Rest today, in bed if you feel like it, and call the GP or IVF clinic tomorrow and ask for a sick note for work. My first pregnancy I was put on bed rest, my second was a different GP (I'd moved house) who didn't believe in bed rest, but if your GP is hesitant just explain the stress you are under, totally understandable when you have miscarried previously and say you need some time off work.

The colour of blood you are describing was like me, the brown / black stuff is old blood (I was told probably left over from a period but now wonder if it was from endo), no pain or cramps is a good sign, so focus on the positives, distract yourself with something and get your feet up. xx

Angelsalt1 profile image
Angelsalt1 in reply to

Thank you very much. Very helpful

Liseann profile image

First off, and I know it's hard, please stop panicking. It is not helping however, I completely understand and its very relatable. I'm not going to bore you with how similar our fertility stories are cause it makes no difference babe, everyone is different but please please please stop panicking. You can sign yourself off work for 7 days, then go to your doc, get their advice and, I don't know your whole story, but know, if you would like another week, month, 2 months rest, off work, take it. A doctor has YOU & YOUR UNBORN BABY'S HEALTH IN MIND, not your work, or your colleagues or your boss and, I'm sure some reading this might say "your advice is selfish Lisa, to her colleagues!" I won't tell you what I'd reply but it wouldn't be nice. Be selfish, be concerned about you and the baby & nothing else, cause quite simply, nothing is more important and that's just fact! Sorry to those that think a pregnancy is less Important than a new fiscal year plan, or a conf that noone really cares about, its not, in the grand scheme of things they matter like a fly on dog 💩 compared to what this lady is growing inside her. ❤️ Sorry, time to be selfish and think numero uno! I can't advise about the spotting babe, I wish I could. I will say that my journey has seen losses, organ failures, frozen pelvis, Ectopic, miscarriages etc and finally, no choice complete hysterectomy. BUT, in between the last miscarriage & hysterectomy, I did eventually manage to birth 2 fabulous boys. Be calm, everything happens for a reason and I can't believe I'm saying that because, when my best friend said it to me, whilst holding her own firstborn child and straight after my 3rd miscarriage, I wanted to punch her, but it's true. Stay calm, relax, try not to stress, everything sorts itself out. Positive thinking, look how far you have already come, the hurdles jumped to just get to this point, carry on babe, you're gonna be a great mum xxxx

Angelsalt1 profile image
Angelsalt1 in reply to Liseann

Thank you very much.

Liseann profile image
Liseann in reply to Angelsalt1

How are you feeling today, have you had anymore "shows", if you don't mind me asking?

Angelsalt1 profile image
Angelsalt1 in reply to Liseann

Non today. It seems to have stopped.

And I don’t mind you asking at all, any information I can get or hear similar stories will help to comfort me until I get the final outcome from the fertility team.

I am still having all the symptoms of early pregnancy like the breast soreness and nausea.

Thank you for making out time to check on me. I will update you guys when I get the outcome.

Liseann profile image
Liseann in reply to Angelsalt1

It can be quite a personal subject so thank you for seeing it as I intended, which was just to see if you were OK and maybe try to reassure you if there was still something or even something new that made you feel anxious. I'm glad things have calmed down, I'm going to bang on about it though, you must calm down, I'm sure everything is fine and will be until baby decides to make the big entrance, but I do know, all to well, that feeling and I so empathise with you but the more calm you are, the more calm baby is and try to enjoy your pregnancy, hopefully morning sickness, if you do suffer, will eventually stop (wee tip for you, get a packet of ginger nuts. Put them beside your bed and every morning, before getting up, have one.) I don't know why it helps but it helped me and my first pregnancy was f'ing awful. I got gestational diabetes, sickness throughout, thought he was Beckham the whole 9 months and the middle of my rib cage, underneath was his favourite place to ram his foot into!!

Also, a bit of a way off yet but, if you do decide to breast feed, invest in a good pump, have it next to your bed, carry it with you, NEVER let it out of your sight, EVER!!. The mornings you wake up and your 🍈🍈 are so full you resemble a Fembot from Austin Powers, but instead of bu**ts it's an ongoing stream of milk hitting the furthest wall of your bedroom and you are convinced, any minute, your airbags are gonna burst! If wee one is still sleeping I swear to god, with no pump, if dad doesn't help out you will run out into the street and find the first stranger you can and demand they de-milk you in anyway they like, just so the heaviness, pain and fullness stops making you feel like a blow up doll on the verge of a blowout! 🤣

Breast feeding also, I don't know why, help drop any baby weight you gained, very quickly. Big boobs, slim waist. Oh and to stop the pain, frozen cabbage leaves in your bra, you won't smell very nice but, believe me, you'll not care cause its soooooooo lovely and stops them hurting esp; your nipples!


Angelsalt1 profile image

😂 Thanks for making me laugh so much. You are such an angel

Jen_dog profile image

I spotted, and had full on gushes of blood during my IVF pregnancy: but my son was unaffected by it. I had previous losses from natural and IVF pregnancies with no bleeding to indicate any problems before the scan/loss.

Call your clinic tomorrow though. They can check your HCG.

Are you using pessaries? I switched to using them in the bum instead as it was aggravating my cervix and causing bleeding.

Good luck x

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