I am going for my first laparoscopy in just less than 2 weeks and feel very unprepared!!
They are removing endometriomas (excision) from both my ovaries and then are going to check my pelvis for any more endo and remove that too. They have no idea what else they are going to find and therefore can’t tell me how long my recovery will be and all that so feeling a bit overwhelmed by the unknowns!
I’ve seen people post before on what to prep beforehand, what to take with you to the hospital, what to wear to the hospital and after, what will be helpful after in recovery, but I can’t seem to find any of those posts when I search. Any tips or advice would be so appreciated, I am so so anxious about it all and feel like prepping a bit will help!
Thanks lovely people ❤️
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Hiya, i hope you dont mind but ive I've copied & pasted one of my previous posts for ease!:
> Would suggest packing an overnight bag just in case. I had to stay in for a night.
> Bring something to keep you entertained as there will be waiting around. I bought my cheap tablet in. Wouldn't advise taking mega valuables in just in case they get lost (sadly it happens).
>Some comfy loose pj's (like a nightdress) which I wore during the day and on the journey home as it was the most comfortable.
> comfy knickers are essential! I packed my biggest granny knickers.
> Also a gown/cardigan to save your dignity when walking about/down to theatre in an open back hospital gown.
>I also took slides as meant i didnt have to bend down to put shoes on!
>bring a pillow/blanket to act as a barrier between your tummy and the seatbelt for the journey home.
>I found peppermint tea helped get rid of bloating/excess gas (I dislike the taste but forced myself to drink it bc it genuinely helped so much) or look into things like windeze or deflatine if you can't tolerate it.
>You might want to pack some snacks to munch on in hospital.
>Maybe some earbuds if you think you will struggle to sleep as its quite noisy in hospital at night.
>Take all your normal meds with you and let the nurses know.
>Might help to pack some sanitary pads, I was on period so packed some anyway but I expect regardless you will bleed and the hospital only provide very thick pads.
>Make sure you have a good pain relief plan / prescription before leaving hospital! I had a rubbish time and was discharged with nothing! despite having regular morphine in hospital. The Paracetamol/ ibuprofen just didn't manage the pain and had to call 111 to get something stronger.
Hope all goes well for you in surgery and recovery. Just take the time to heal, experiences vary wildly but for me it took 2 weeks of being in bed before I started to do anything. Total of 6 weeks signed off then went back to work on phased return. Some people are quicker or longer to heal, try not to compare and judge yourself 🩷
Do you have any suggestions for what type of clothing I should have available while I’m recovering? My friend said her clothes just kept getting caught on her stitches so I’m wondering what would be the most comfortable!
I would say anything loose, comfy and breathable. Loose elasticated waists, cotton things. To be honest as i was at home for ages, I mostly wore my my pajamas!
The hospital team will give you advice about when to take off your dressings (think it's something like after 24hrs / 48hrs) however I bought a pack of them so I could put them on if it felt like I needed it to offer a bit of protection against my clothing in certain situations as I didnt like the feeling of things catching on them.
When I went back to work, I was also still anxious about the skin so I had a small throw which I would put over my stomach before buckling up in the car. Probably didn't need to do that but it made me feel better especially the thought of having to emergency break x
I’m actively considering laparoscopy. There are no Endometriosis cysts per se, but my doctor has diagnosed me with both Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. Unfortunately, Adenomyosis doesn’t have a surgical cure and can only be suppressed with a Mirena IUD. I’ve tried hormone pills before, but they didn’t work for me.
Regarding Endometriosis, my diagnosis states: "Possible deep endometriosis 14 mm nodule involving the rectum and back of the vagina/cervix/uterus with no MRI evidence of deep rectal muscular infiltration." It’s frustrating because even after undergoing laparoscopy for Endo, I might still experience painful periods from Adenomyosis, let alone the pain from recovery.
I moved to the UK for work and live here by myself. I’m concerned about managing recovery alone, especially as I’ve read that I might need two weeks of bed rest and potentially six weeks off work. This feels overwhelming, particularly since I recently took emergency leave to care for my family overseas during Christmas.
Could you share how difficult or painful the six-week recovery period is? Do doctors typically prescribe painkillers to help manage the pain? I’d also appreciate any advice for someone going through this process alone.
That was just my recovery, I know other people are back on their feet quicker, I don't want to scare you!! I just wanted to share my experience as sometimes people set ambitious expectations and return to work too soon or worry that they're not recovering quickly enough. I think it's important to listen to your body and rest if you need too.
I've only had surgery once so can't comment on if other people usually get prescribed pain releif after surgery but i was struggling to manage the pain with only ibuprofen/ paracetamol. I found it quite shocking that they didn't send me home with medication given I was receiving regular morphine in hospital due to the pain. So I just wanted to say definitely advocate for yourself and make sure you have a plan & know how to manage at home, all the more if your going to be alone. I'm lucky to have a supportive partner who helped me through it all.
I found this group to be a great help and comfort so definitely reach out on here x
Also - I guess your type of job might depend on how quickly you can return. I work in a rehabilitation role so it's quite hands on and I didnt want to return until I felt ready. I now have reasonable adjustments to allow for some home working & flexible duties which definitely help. Do you have occupational health at work? Could be worth speaking with them about adjustments x
hello! Sadly I don’t have any advice, but wishing you healing thoughts!
I just wondered if you don’t mind me asking, are you having the cysts removed because of pain? I’ve just found out that I have 1 Endo cysts which is 5cm, gynae not bothered but doctor worrying me ☹️ what has your experience been like?
I have 2 x 2cm endometriomas on my right ovary and only a like 8mm one on my left. I’m having them removed due to pain, specifically because we want to try for kids this year so I can’t be on hormones! Not that the hormones have completely got rid of my pain though, but a combined pill has helped a bit. I tried dienogest first though cause my consultant said that is the only thing he knows of that definitely stops endometrioma growth and can potentially shrink them. But I had a really bad reaction to it and it caused me to have way more pain and fatigue and I couldn’t even do normal life stuff anymore so he took me off it (it has been life-changing for other people though so might be an option for you if you haven’t tried it!).
So my only option now is to have them removed so they don’t keep growing and so I hopefully don’t have pain while we are trying to have kids.
If we weren’t wanting to try for kids anytime soon or in the future then we probably would have tried the coil next. But obviously they don’t know if that stops the growth of endometriomas but it has helped some people with pain.
Everyone has such a different experience with symptoms and what helps or doesn’t. If you’re worried then I would say go back to your gynae and just get some treatment options from them. Push for it! I know it’s tough and exhausting but it’s so worth getting some answers and having a plan in place!
Sorry this has been a bit of an essay! But I hope it’s helpful xx
That’s so helpful thankyou. I didn’t have these kind of cysts when I had my children but I can imagine it’s very frustrating for you. My doc ordered a CA125 and because it was a little elevated he sent me in the cancer 2 week pathway! The gynae saw me very quickly and said he wasn’t worried and I could have treatment if I was symptomatic but I’m not really, i did have some painful periods but they are back to normal now. Anyway I’m just confused by it all.
Yeah it is rather frustrating but hopefully the surgery will help!
Oh okay! Well that’s really great if you don’t have any symptoms! But yes confusing! I guess it’s just something to keep an eye on then in case it gets bigger. But if they aren’t worried about it then that’s good too!
I found a couple of comfy Superdry joggers a size up, and comfy pyjamas and M&S knickers a size up from my usual great. Having something that will sit above your belly button is great or at least has a really wide loose band so that it’s not digging in there. Best of luck xx
I just had a look at your other post and saw you linked a full body pillow. Do you think a straight one or U shaped one would be better? The link doesn't work anymore
I got a Silentnight squishy body support pillow (if you search those words should come up on Google)- it was great as I could bend it to a U/V shape when needed eg propped up on sofa during the day, or in the early days post op to support sleeping on back in bed with lots of other pillows (remember to have something slightly flatter for under your knees), and later as I’m a side sleeper normally I could use it straight to support my belly/stitches and have between legs so you’re not pulling at your belly with a dangling leg, to make side sleeping more comfortable earlier on in the recovery. I had quite a few incisions including to my sides that really pulled if I tried to side sleep without it! We are on a really long fertility journey too so I’m hopeful one day it might be helpful in pregnancy and for nursing as so versatile. Hope that helps xx
Hi, I also have my surgery soon 6th Feb I’m so nervous now so god knows what I’m going to be like on the day, I’m also having a hysteroscopy to remove polyps, good luck
Same day as me! Aw man it's completely normal for us to be freaking out (I am saying this to myself too haha!). I really hope it all goes super well for you! x
Yes definitely! I am on the afternoon list apparently. My consultant said I can't eat from 12 the night before so I am dreading having to wait all that time being anxious and hangry haha! I've never had general either! So many unknowns! x
Hey I’m not too bad this thank you how about you? I’m glad it’s over the anestetic knocked me sideways being sick. Had lots of endo removed from a few places and also my left ovary and tube removed. Hope yours was successful and your recovering nicely xx
I’m glad you’re not doing to bad! Sorry you felt so sick though!
Mine was more complicated than they thought it would be and was as successful as it could have been considering what they found! My ovaries were stuck to my pelvis but were successfully unstuck and endometriomas removed. They also just found extensive nodular disease (no idea what that means will have to research!) on my bladder and other places. And couldn’t excise on the left side of my peritoneum. So lots to process! But at least I know what’s going on now 😊
Lots of rest after peppermint tea to help bloating and I also got laxatives and did need them as I was severely constipated after (I'd had adhesions from bowel released) little movements to keep the body moving wish you all the best x
I’m also having surgery soon (6th Feb too!) so thank you for posting this - it’s been helpful to read through the replies & feel a bit less alone (I have supportive family but don’t know many people IRL who’ve been through this!)
Hey! Yeah got home yesterday at like 1.30pm! My endo was a lot worse than anyone originally thought unfortunately… my ovaries and womb were stuck to my pelvis, I had nodules all over my bladder, they couldn’t excise some of the endo on my peritoneum cause it’s stuck to my pelvic wall and was too risky to unstick it. So feeling a bit emotional about it all and just quite sore!
How did yours go? Are you home? I meant to message before we all went in to say good luck but time ran away from me!
Oh my! That sounds really intense, I’m sorry you must be feeling really quite sore after all of that! 😢 have they sent you away with plenty of pain relief at least? Hope you manage to get some good rest today! ✨
I’m home and the surgery went well thank you, my endometrioma is gone (yippee!!! It was causing me a lot of pain 😬) and she excised endo from my pelvis and bowel surface 🙌 I’m feeling sore, tired & a bit nauseous! 🥲 two days before the op I had a simple cyst rupture too so it’s been quite a week!
Yeah I am quite sore but better than I was yesterday which is good! Got lots of pain meds to keep me going haha! Thank you! Managed like 11 hours of intermittent sleep last night which has definitely helped me feel a bit better emotionally today!
Woohoo! That’s great news!😁 so glad they managed to excise it all! But sounds like a stressful and sore week if you and a rupture too! Hope you’re managing to get lots of rest ❤️
Glad to hear that, go you for getting all of that sleep!! 🙌 🙌 have you been able to move about a bit too? I’m finding it exhausting just getting up to scuttle to the bathroom but the movement does seem to help!
Thank you, I think it only just sunk in today how much rest I’m actually going to need so trying to just listen to my body the best that I can! 🤞
Yeah been trying to move but mostly just managing to the bathroom and back 🤣 it’s exhausting right?!🤣
I managed a very short shower earlier too after I’d had a nap! It was a bit risky at times with feeling dizzy but my hubby was a great help. So taking that as a win! But I was completely man down after!
I bet that shower felt good! I think I’ll try that today, I was too scared yesterday but starting to feel a bit gross now 😂
Have you got much of an appetite? I’m finding that I’m getting hungry but can only manage to eat a little bit at a time otherwise I’m getting like a pressure feeling around my belly - not sure if that’s the gas from surgery still! Have a mug of peppermint tea pretty much glued to my hand at the moment ahaha
My appetite has slowly started coming back. I didn’t want to eat anything for a couple days so forced myself to have little bits. But from about Sunday I started feeling a little bit hungry so have been having a little bit more each day. I still can’t do full portions though!
I’m with you on the peppermint tea too 🤣 I’ve been adding a little bit of ginger too!
Hi, I hope you're doing ok. It's completely normal to be nervous before surgery. I've had 11 surgeries and 4 IVF procedures. My last surgery was a hysterectomy unfortunately.
These are my packing list suggestions:
Comfortable loose clothing (tshirt dress/jumper dress) and shoes for when you leave the hospital.
Any medication you would normally take (I’ve also found it helpful to take a list of my medication with me).
Dressing gown
Spare night dress
Spare underwear
Toiletry bag - containing toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, some facial wipes, sanitary pads.
Lip balm
Phone charger
Magazines/book - you could be waiting a while to go down to theatre
Eye mask
For the car journey home:
A sick bag/bowl in case you feel nauseous
Pillow for comfort
For back at home:
Peppermint tea/capsules or ginger tea for any gas pain.
I've also just written a detailed post for Instagram on what to expect on surgery day:
1. Pre-op completed prior to surgery day (may be the week before surgery or even a few days before).
2. Make things easy for yourself at home e.g. have meals prepped already or in the freezer, along with your favourite snacks.
3. Follow instructions for fasting and any bowel prep.
At the hospital:
1. Arrive at the hospital at the specified time, normally early morning (unless your surgery is in the afternoon).
2. You will be taken to your room.
3. A nurse will take your blood pressure, temperature and ask for a urine sample to do a pregnancy test. They will also ask what time you last ate and drank.
4. A member of the catering team will take your food order (lunch, dinner, breakfast) and any dietary requirements/allergies.
5. Change into your hospital gown, pants and compression socks.
6. Your consultant and the anaesthetist will normally come and see you to check your consent form, and to confirm the agreed surgery.
7. While you’re waiting to go down to theatre, pass the time by reading, listening to some music, a podcast or maybe watch TV.
1. A theatre nurse will come and collect you to walk you down to theatre. They will look after your dressing gown and slippers until you return to your room.
2. You will get into another bed where the theatre nurses will hook you up to monitors.
3. A cannula will be inserted into the back of your hand. A cannula is a fine tube inserted into a vein in the back of your hand, using a small fine needle. The needle is removed and the tube is left inside your vein. This will allow the anaesthetic and any other medication to be administered.
4. A nurse may also put on your mask to administer a sedative gas at this point.
5. The anaesthetist will inject the anaesthetic into the cannula in your hand. It will feel cold, you will then fall asleep.
6. The theatre team may insert a catheter for passing urine.
Waking up from anaesthesia:
1. You may wake up in the recovery area or in your room.
2. You will feel groggy so sleep when you need to sleep.
3. Don’t try to push through the pain. The nurses will administer pain relief.
4. Try to drink as much water as you can.
5. Shoulder pain? This is from the gas. When gas is used during surgery to inflate your stomach, it eventually disperses to other areas of your body and causes severe shoulder pain:
o Peppermint tea will really help with this.
o I found moving around (when I could) really helpful.
o I also found heat pads very helpful for the pain.
Going home:
1. When you’re travelling home by car, use a pillow to stay comfortable. I also carry a nausea bowl (just in case!).
2. Your consultant will normally come and see you to let you know how the surgery went, discuss how you’re doing, along with when you will be discharged.
3. A nurse should remove your cannula and catheter (if used - they may want to measure your urine and scan your bladder).
4. You will be sent home with any medication needed e.g. pain relief and antibiotics.
5. You will need to wear your compression socks all day everyday until you’re walking again.
6. Don’t rush your recovery. It’s going to take a while for you to heal so be kind to yourself. Follow all the guidance from your consultant.
I really hope this helps but please reach out if you have any questions. I hope everything goes well x
Hey, was just coming on to check on you both having surgery on the 6th too 😊 it went okay thank you, removed cysts from ovaries and some adhesions. Wanted it to be minimal so we can go for IVF later this year. I hope you are resting up and recovering at home. I saw your response above about the results from surgery. Happy to chat anytime by direct message too
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