Sorry this is long…
For context, I’m 27
I had a miscarriage in Jan 2023 and since this, I have experienced the worse periods of my life and other symptoms throughout my cycle. Symptoms are below:
-period pain so painful that I almost pass out and throw up. Can not physically stand up, get cold sweats and dizziness. It’s like someone has a corkscrew and is twisting my lower abdomen. Runs all the way through to my lower back and my legs. Use tens machine, pain killers, and hot water bottles and nothing works. Have to call in sick to work every single time. - worse pain than when I had my appendix taken out in 2016.
-heavy periods for the first 2 days with lots of clotting. Needing to change pads less than every hour.
-pain during and after sex with or without orgasms. Spoke to doctors about this in 2019 and they told me I had pelvic inflammatory disease and put me on antibiotics which cleared it up. I still get pain now.
-miscarried jan 2023 and all of this has gotten so much worse.
-bloating so much that I look 6 months pregnant. This sometimes gets worse after I have eaten.
-constipated for days which then causes different stomach pains on top of the pains I already have. Then some days I have Diarrhoea.
-blood in stool and when they checked me for IBS, Crohn’s and colitis, my calprotectin level was 1600.
-been diagnosed with IBS (not Crohn’s or colitis) yet no IBS medication works included prescribed medication. There also isn’t any particular food that makes my stomach hurt and bloat.
-shooting pains in my bum when I go to the toilet.
-shooting pain up and down legs when on period
-pain when weeing (not burning like a UTI) - it’s like kidney pain but I drink like 2 litres of water a day and it’s not burning like a uti
-ovulation pain is awful as well. Not as bad as period pains but before the miscarriage I never got this pain.
-the fatigue is ridiculous. I just wanted to sleep all of the time which then gets worse when I’m in pain on my period and around ovulation.
-my hormones are all over the place. I cannot stop crying all of the time about ridiculous things. Hormone contraception makes me worse.
My doctor referred me to a gynaecologist who conducted an internal vaginal scan and told me he couldn’t see anything. He then conducted a laparoscopy approx. 40 days later which I have now had.
No endometriosis was found and when he came up to my room after my surgery, he told my mum that I “just have a low pain tolerance”. My mum was not happy with this as she has seen how much I have suffered.
Once I came around, my mum told me what he had said and I was so angry and disheartened.
I spoke to a friend who recently had the same gynaecologist as me and she said that he also, had conducted an internal scan and told her she didn’t have anything. She then saw a endometriosis specialist who did an internal scan, immediately diagnosed her and then she had her laparoscopy.
I have now been referred to this specialist and currently waiting for a second opinion.
I had the coil fitted during my surgery (on the 28th Jan) but then was rushed to a&e on the 10th Feb as it had become dislodged (after my gynaecologist was adamant this wouldn’t happen as I wasn’t 100% on having the coil). It has now been removed.
I’m really worried that this specialist will turn around and tell me that I have nothing and it’s just my pain tolerance. I don’t have a lot of faith in the nhs as I have been called a liar multiple times by doctors and then actually I was right as I know my body.
I guess my questions are, how long to I keep pushing? could it just be my “pain tolerance”? Has anyone had endometriosis missed during their laparoscopic surgery and then been diagnosed later on?
Please help me