PID? not getting better - antibiotics - Endometriosis UK

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PID? not getting better - antibiotics

Littlebug77 profile image
15 Replies

I have suspected endometriosis I'm on the waiting list for lap but recently for the past 6 months having intense burning and dull ache within vaginal canal, cervix as well as my lower pelvis and back pain ( of course when on period intense cramping sharp pain occurs alongside this or when heavy bleeding) . As well as spotting and heavy bleeding with bowel movements / intercourse etc.

Due to my chronic pelvic pain increasing drastically GP did an internal exam suspected PID from IUD as all Sti came clear as well as Bacteria growth was negative for the ones the tested for. I was reluctant to start as my tests came back clear but I thought it could possibly help my pain

I've been on the antibiotics for 10 days and my pain is still unabreabake having to take 1 30/500 cocodamol as well as ibrofen lysine. But recently began having night sweats chills and vomiting. Generally look pale and unwell. not sure if this is just because of antibiotics.

I'm worried that I didn't have PID and my pelvic pain has worsened and I hate having to ask for painkillers form the doctors due to ageism as I'm in my early 20s. but also if I do have PID and my infection hasn't started clearing up yet as my symptoms are getting worse I don't have the time or financial capability to continue on antibiotics etc as I'm already neutropenic and anaemic so antibiotics knock me out

as well to add I just came off a 6 week course of kidney infection antibiotics that would not budge I'm exhausted as well as applying for medical school whilst working.

I'm exhausted and feel like nothing is working my pain is either getting worse. Or more damage is happening within my body

Any advice on what I should do or conversations I should have with doctor. I'm just feel so lost in my joinery I'm figuring out what is causing this debilitating pain but also having long term solutions for pain relief

Thank you xx

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15 Replies
lucikam profile image

Hi! Did you have any gynecologic internal exam? (not GP). And internal ultrasand? And blood test for CRP, white blood count, plasma vicosity? If NO, then you should ASK for these, these things can rule out if it is PID or not. Gynecologist with an internal exam can see if your cervix is inflamed, if you have pain while he presses around ovaries, basically he should see it. As well the internal ultrasound. If you have PID, there should be mass, your tube bigger on the ultrasound. They are able to see this. Which antibiotic did you take for "PID" and for how long?

Littlebug77 profile image
Littlebug77 in reply to lucikam

I'm on 2 antibiotics Metronidazole and Levofloxacin I have been vomiting some of my doses from Wednesday onwards I have 2/3 days left until I'm finished. I still have thick mucus and blood stained discharge and extreme pain in my pelvic and cervix area. I'm freezing cold and sweating and cannot keep down thing 4/5 of the time. No temp so I think I should be fine.

lucikam profile image
lucikam in reply to Littlebug77

But did you have those exams what I mentioned above?

Littlebug77 profile image
Littlebug77 in reply to lucikam

No exam and previous bloods show I have neutropenia not been told about crp levels or any other blood levels but will ask all these questions when I phone up on Monday. As pain has been getting worse

lucikam profile image
lucikam in reply to Littlebug77

OMG. You should have a proper gynecologic internal exam. They can see everything "inside" you, and the tapping on your ovaries. I suppose "only" the GP treats your problem. They can do ultrasound as well. Antibiotics should kick in within 3 days. Obviously it is not working if your pain level is just growing. They would see if you have inflammation with the CRP, total whitle blood counts, plasma vicosity.

Littlebug77 profile image
Littlebug77 in reply to lucikam

Thanks for the advice I will ask to be referred but I honestly cba with going to A&E to get an urgent scan as I feel like I'm not "dying" and somome eg ectopic pregnancy needs the scan more than I do. I have bad gp anxiety so I like to have a clear outline of what I will say before hand. Thank you for the advices and primpt reply it means a lot to me thank you

. Do I just ask to be referred for an internal ultrasound?

lucikam profile image
lucikam in reply to Littlebug77

I know these things because I was on the same path. I needed to fight for the ultrasound scan and gynecologist exam, but a GP is not a gynecologist, so yes, you need to ask these things. You say you have mucus coming out: "I still have thick mucus and blood-stained discharge and extreme pain in my pelvic and cervix area" - if this mucus and bloody discharge started with the pain it is definitely an infection or inflammation within your pelvic area, and it should be a prompt treatment.

Littlebug77 profile image
Littlebug77 in reply to lucikam

Forgot to mention these bloods are from 2 1/2 months ago not been asked to do any further tests :(

lucikam profile image
lucikam in reply to Littlebug77

I forgot to ask, did you have any sexual partner at all? Did your pain started with a period?

Littlebug77 profile image
Littlebug77 in reply to lucikam

Same sexual partner for 5 years both have been tested all clear. but when I think back this pain only happened a couple of months after I have IUD inserted. About 18mknths ago.

my concern is I'm tested for STD every 4/6 months never came back unless yeast infection so I would want to know what has caused it

The IUD I had had before caused a cysts to burst on ovary and this new one has caused problems since

Again thank you sm for your replies and the info

lucikam profile image
lucikam in reply to Littlebug77

IUD can cause PID as well, not just STDs. I read about many woment who got PID after IUD. IUD can cause discharge, pain as well. I would remove that IUD.

Littlebug77 profile image
Littlebug77 in reply to lucikam

Hello went to Nhs 111 I'm getting both trans vagina and pelvic ultrasound today as well as further testing thank you for advice. Fingers crossed they find something and the pain and sickness goes away

lucikam profile image
lucikam in reply to Littlebug77

I'm glad to hear this. Please let me know when they have done the exams and if they tell any diagnosis to you. Hopefully soon you'll be able to recover .

Littlebug77 profile image
Littlebug77 in reply to lucikam

Hello but disappointed never got scans today have to wait until Wednesday. But bloods came back fine and the think I've had a bad reaction and told me to cease antibiotics together. I'm feeling a bit better and can keep food down but pain is still bad.

I'm worried that nothing will show up on scans and the pain will just continue. But doctor says I'm very tender around my cervix and left ovary fingers crossed I just want to be pain free.

Not sure what other questions I need to ask as well

lucikam profile image
lucikam in reply to Littlebug77

Hi! Did you have the ultrasound?

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