Hi everyone. I've not posted for a while, and I know this might not be the right sub.
I'm 23, UK. I've always had problems with my periods (very heavy, painful, irregular, very very heavy and painful when they did come). I'm on the depo injection atm, and that's stopped my periods altogether. However I recently have started experiencing heavy bleeding, pelvic pain, painful urination, painful bowel movements. I've had bleeding and painful intercourse for years too.
I went to my GP around 4 weeks ago with problems down there. She suspected Pelvic inflammatory disease, so gave me strong antibiotics. Hasn't cleared up at all, and I've now been referred to a gynecologist. My GP suspects endometriosis as I've had ongoing bowel issues for years as well as gynaecologic issues for years too. See my previous posts about my bowel problems. Just wondering if anyone on here has had similar experiences? And if so what was the waiting time for referrals etc.
Much appreciated